Chapter 13 Flashcards
Attribution Theory
Attribution Theory- Look at how people explain other people’s behavior - either situational or dispositional factors. Situational factors and disposition factors.
Fundamental Attribution Error
Fundamental Attribution Error- Placing too much emphasis on dispositional factors and not enough on situation factors. Driving a car another car almost going hit you! “The ass whole drive aka The Ass whole effec
Foot-In- The- Door Phenomenon
Foot-In- The- Door Phenomenon- Compliance with a small request makes you more likely to comply with a larger request. “The test drive effect more of get your produced.”
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Cognitive Dissonance Theory- Feeling of discomfort when behavior conflicts with beliefs. Dissonance
*Milgram’s Obediencer Study
*Milgram’s Obediencer Study- Looked at obedience to authority.
Conformity Theory - Solomon Asch
Conformity Theory - Solomon Asch- Changing your behavior to the people around you! ABC line Example.
Reciprocity Norm
Reciprocity Norm- People have a need to respond in kind when given a gift or favor.
Altruism- Risk their life in danger!
Bystander Effect
[Bystander Effect- The more bystanders there are, the less likely you are to be helped - based on:
Diffusion of Responsibility
Diffusion of Responsibility - The more bystanders there are, the less responsible each feels to help.]
De-Individuation- The temporary suspension of self when in a huge crowd, feeling anonymous. [The Huge Mod]
Mere Exposure Effect
Mere Exposure Effect- Merely being repeatedly exposed to something can cause you to come to like / prefer it. “Like one song on CD and then you end up liking the whole CD later on!”
Zimbardo’s Prison Study
Zimbardo’s Prison Study- The effect if social roles on behavior.
Ex. Prison guards taking over the prison with crazy control like in the movie. And everyone of us has this control factor in us to control someone else.
Cooperation / Sherif’s Research
Cooperation / Sherif’s Research- The theory explains how intergroup hostility can arise as a result of conflicting goals and the feelings of prejudice and discrimination toward the outgroup that accompany the intergroup hostility.
Just-World Phenomenon
Just-World Phenomenon- The belief that good is rewarded and evil is punished. Life is fare. If something good happens to you the you are good. If something bad happens to you you are bad.