Chapter 13 Flashcards
What is a product?
Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition,
use, or consumption that might
satisfy a want or need
Do products include more than just tangible objects?
WHEN BROADLY DEFINED, products also include services, events, persons, places, organizations, and ideas or a
mixture of these
What are examples of tangible objects?
Cars, clothing, or mobile phones
Apple iPhone, a Toyota Camry, and a Caffé Mocha at Starbucks are products
Give examples of products (when broadly defined) that aren’t tangible objects.
Trip to Las Vegas, TD online investment services, your Instagram account, and advice from your family doctor.
Why do we give special attention to services?
Because of their importance in the world economy
What are services?
An activity, benefit, or satisfaction
offered for sale that is essentially
intangible and does not result in
the ownership of anything.
What are examples of services?
Banking, hotel, airline travel, retail, wireless communication, and home-repair services
What is the starting point of marketing mix planning?
Building an offering that brings value to target customers.
What is a key element in the overall market offering?
What is the foundation of profitable customer relationships?
The company’s market offering, which delivers value to customers.
What elements can a company’s market offering include?
Both tangible goods and services.
What approaches can company’s take when offering goods & services?
- Pure tangible goods
- Pure services
- Usually many good and services combinations possible
What does it mean when a market offer consists of pure tangible goods?
Such as soap, tooth-paste, or salt; no services accompany the product
What does it mean when a market offer consists of pure services?
For which the market offer consists primarily of a service. Examples include a doctor’s exam and financial services
What new level in creating value for their customers, are companies moving to?
Beyond simply making products and delivering services, they’re creating and managing CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES with their brands or companies
Why are companies focusing on creating customer experiences?
To differentiate their offers as products and services become more commoditized
True or false: Experiences haven’t always been an important part of marketing for some companies
False: They HAVE
How does Disney incorporate experiences into its marketing?
By manufacturing dreams and memories through movies and theme parks, delivering “small wows” to customers.
How does Nike incorporate experiences into its marketing?
“It’s not so much the shoes but where they take you,” focusing on the experience and inspiration rather than just the product.
How are firms evolving their traditional goods and services?
Are recasting their traditional goods and services to create experiences
What are the 3 levels of PRODUCT?
- Core customer value
- Actual product
- Augmented product
At the most basic level, the company asks, “What is the customer really buying?”
Give an example of this ideology.
Ppl who buy Apple iPad are buying more than just a tablet computer. They are buying: entertainment, self-expression, productivity, and connectivity—a mobile and personal window to the world
What question does the most basic level (CORE CUSTOMER VALUE), address?
“What is the buyer really buying?”
What must marketers define first when designing products?
The core, problem-solving benefits, services, or experiences that consumers seek
What does a woman buying lipstick typically seek beyond the product itself?
More than lip color; she seeks hope or confidence, as suggested by Charles Revson of Revlon.
What do Harley-Davidson customers buy beyond the motorcycle itself?
Self-expression, lifestyles, aspirations, and dreams.
What are the 5 components that need to be developed at the second level: “Actual Product”?
- Brand name
- Quality level
- Packaging
- Design
- Features
What are the 4 components of “Augmented Product”?
- Delivery and credit
- Product support
- Warranty
- After-sale service
At the 2nd level, what must product planners turn the core benefit into?
An actual product
Explain how a Harley Davidson motorcycle is an actual product.
Its name, styling, features, sounds, parts, and other attributes are all carefully combined to deliver the core customer values of freedom and independence
What is the augmented product?
The additional consumer services and benefits offered around the core benefit and actual product.
What augmented benefits does Harley-Davidson provide with its motorcycles?
A warranty on parts and workmanship, quick repair services, accessories, and web and mobile support.
What additional benefits does the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) offer?
Roadside assistance, H.O.G. rallies and events, and regular issues of HOG Magazine featuring news, product information, and riding stories.
How do consumers view products in terms of satisfaction?
As complex bundles of benefits that satisfy their needs.
What is the first step marketers take when developing products?
Identifying the core customer value that consumers seek.
What follows after identifying the core customer value?
Designing the actual product.
What is the purpose of augmenting a product?
To create additional customer value and provide a full and satisfying brand experience.
What is consumer product?
A product bought by final consum-ers for personal consumption.
What is convenience product?
A consumer product that customers usually buy frequently, immediately, and with minimal comparison and buying effort.
What is shopping product?
A consumer product that the customer, in the process of selecting
and purchasing usually compares
on such attributes as suitability,
quality, price, and style.
What are the 2 broad classes products and services can fall into based on the types of consumers who use them?
- Consumer products
- Industrial products
Broadly defined, what can products also include?
Other marketable entities such as experiences, organizations, persons, places, and ideas
How do marketers usually classify consumer products?
Based on how consumers go about buying them
What are the 4 types of consumer products?
- Convenience products
- Shopping products
- Specialty products
- Unsought products
How do the 4 types of consumer products differ from each other and what effect does that have?
These products differ in the ways consumers buy them and, therefore, in how they are marketed
What are examples of convenience products?
Laundry detergent, candy, magazines, fast food, and toothpaste
How available are convenience products to customers?
Usually low-priced, and marketers place them in many locations to make them readily available when customers need or want them
What is the customer buying behaviour like for convenience products?
Frequent purchase; little planning, little comparison or shopping effort; low customer involvement
What is the price for convenience products?
Low price
What is the distribution like for convenience products?
Widespread distribution; convenient locations
What is promotion like for convenience products?
Mass promotion by the producer
What is the customer’s buying behaviour for shopping products?
Less frequent purchase; much
planning and shopping effort;
comparison of brands on
price, quality, and style
What is the price for shopping products?
Higher price
What is the distribution like for shopping products?
Selective distribution in fewer
What is promotion like for shopping products?
Advertising and personal selling by both the producer and
What are examples of shopping products?
Major appliances, televisions,
furniture, clothing, and hotel services
What is the customer’s buying behaviour for specialty products?
Strong brand preference and
loyalty; special purchase
effort; little comparison of
brands; low price sensitivity
What is the price for specialty products?
Highest price
What is distribution like for specialty products?
Exclusive distribution in only one or a few outlets per market area
What is promotion like for specialty products?
More carefully targeted pro-motion by both the producer and resellers
What are examples of specialty products?
Luxury goods, such as Rolex watches or fine crystal, specific brands of cars, high-priced photography equipment, designer clothes, gourmet foods, and the services of medical or legal specialists
What is the customer’s buying behaviour for unsought products?
Little product awareness or knowledge (or, if aware, little or even negative interest)
What is the price for unsought products?
What is distribution like for unsought products?
What is promotion like for unsought products?
Aggressive advertising and personal selling by the producer and resellers
What are examples of unsought products?
Life insurance, Red Cross blood donations, and preplanned funeral services
How do shopping product marketers help customers in their comparison efforts?
Provide deeper sales support
What is a speciality product?
A consumer product with unique
characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.
What is an unsought product?
A consumer product that the consumer either does not know about or knows about but does not normally consider buying.
What is an example of customer’s buying behaviour towards specialty products?
Lamborghini automobile
- Buyers willing to travel great distances to buy
- Buyers normally don’t compare specialty products
- Invest only the time needed to reach dealers carrying wanted brands
What is a type of product that is mainly unsought?
Most major new innovations are unsought until consumers become aware of them through marketing
How does the nature of unsought products effect their promotion?
By their very nature, unsought products require a lot of promoting, personal selling, and other marketing efforts.
What are the 3 levels marketers make product and service decision at?
- Individual product decisions
- Product line decisions
- Product mix decisions
What is the focus of all the individual product decisions?
To create core customer value
What are the 5 important decisions in the development and marketing of individual products and services?
- Product and service attributes
- Branding
- Packaging
- Labelling and logos
- Product support services
When developing a product or service it involves you to define _____?
The benefits it will offer
The benefits of a product or service are communicated and delivered by what 3 product attributes?
- Quality
- Features
- Style & design
What is product quality?
The characteristics of a product or
service that bear on its ability to
satisfy stated or implied customer
What is one of the marketer’s major positioning tools?
Product quality
How is quality closely linked to customer value and satisfaction?
Quality affects product or service performance; thus, it is closely linked to customer value and satisfaction
In the narrowest sense, what can quality be defined as?
“No defects”
How do most marketers go beyond the narrow definition of quality?
Instead, they define quality in terms of creating customer value and satisfaction
Who is product quality a serious matter to?
Marketers, many of whom belong to the Society of Quality Assurance (SQA)
What is the Society of Quality Assurance (SQA)?
An international professional membership organization that provides a forum for organizations to exchange information about research and regulations that govern quality
assurance practices
How does Siemens define quality?
“Quality is when our customers come back and our products don’t.”
What is total quality management (TQM)?
An approach in which all the company’s people are involved in constantly improving the quality of products, services, and business
For most top companies, what kind of approach has become a way of doing business?
Customer-driven quality
What is a return-on-quality approach?
Viewing quality as an investment and holding quality efforts accountable for bottom-line results
What are the 2 dimensions of product quality?
- Level
- Consistency
In developing a product, what must marketers first choose that will support the product’s positioning?
The quality level
When developing a product and choosing the quality level, what does quality mean?
Product quality means performance quality—the product’s ability to
perform its functions
What is an example of performance quality?
A Rolls-Royce provides higher performance quality than a Chevrolet: It has a smoother ride, lasts longer, and provides more hand-craftsmanship, custom design, luxury, and “creature comforts.”
Do companies try to offer the highest possible performance quality level?
They rarely do, few customers want or can afford the high levels of quality offered in products such as a Rolls-Royce automobile, Wa Viking range, or a Rolex watch.
What do companies do instead of offering the highest possible performance quality level?
Companies choose a quality level that
matches target market needs and the quality levels of competing products
Beyond quality level what else can high quality mean?
Also can mean high levels of quality consistency
What does quality mean in high levels of quality consistency?
Quality means conformance quality—freedom from defects and consistency in delivering a targeted level of performance.
True or False: Like performance quality, companies should rarely try and offer high levels of conformance quality
False: All companies should strive for high levels of conformance quality.
Give an example of maintaining high conformance quality/quality consistency
A Chevrolet can have just as much quality as a Rolls-Royce. Although a Chevy doesn’t perform at the same
level as a Rolls-Royce, it can just as consistently deliver the quality that customers pay for and expect.
What is the starting point in product features?
A stripped-down model, one without any extras, is the starting point.
What can the company create higher-level models after the starting point?
The company can then create higher-level models by adding more features.
How are features a competitive tool?
For differentiating the company’s product from competitors’ products
What is one of the most effective ways to compete (in the context of product features)?
Being the first producer to introduce a valued new feature
How can a company identify new features and decide which ones to add?
It should periodically survey buyers who have used the product
What kinds of questions should a survey used to identify new features include?
How do you like the product? Which specific features of the product do you like most? Which features could we add to improve the product?