Chapter 13 Flashcards
Define a tautology in the context of TFL.
A tautology is a sentence that is true on every valuation.
How can truth tables be used to determine if a sentence is a tautology?
Truth tables can be used to check if a sentence is true on every line of its complete truth table; if it is, then the sentence is a tautology.
Describe the relationship between necessary truth and tautology.
A tautology serves as a surrogate for necessary truth, as it is true under all valuations, similar to how necessary truth is always true.
What is the significance of the example ‘(H ∧ I) → H’ in understanding tautologies?
The example ‘(H ∧ I) → H’ is a tautology, illustrating that it is true on every valuation.
Explain the concept of necessary falsity in relation to TFL.
Necessary falsity refers to statements that are false under all valuations, which has a counterpart in TFL but is not explicitly defined in the provided content.
How does the chapter relate to previous discussions on valuation and truth values?
The chapter builds on the previous discussion by introducing tautologies and contradictions, showing how truth tables can be used to evaluate these concepts.
What are the limitations mentioned regarding necessary truths in TFL?
The text notes that there are some necessary truths that cannot be adequately symbolized in TFL.
Describe a tautology in TFL.
A tautology in TFL is a sentence that is true under every valuation, meaning it cannot be false regardless of the truth values assigned to its components.
How can we determine if a sentence is a contradiction in TFL?
A sentence is a contradiction in TFL if it is false on every line of its complete truth table, indicating it is false under every valuation.
Define equivalence in the context of TFL.
A and B are equivalent in TFL if their truth values agree for every valuation, meaning there is no valuation in which they have opposite truth values.
What is the significance of truth tables in TFL?
Truth tables are used to determine whether sentences are tautologies, contradictions, or equivalent by systematically evaluating their truth values across all possible valuations.
How can we test for the equivalence of two sentences in TFL?
To test for equivalence, we construct a truth table for both sentences and check if their truth values match for every possible valuation.
Explain the example of the contradiction given in the content.
The example of a contradiction is the sentence ‘[(C ↔ C) → C] ∧ ¬(C → C)’, which is false on every valuation, thus qualifying as a contradiction.
What does it mean if two sentences have opposite truth values in TFL?
If two sentences have opposite truth values in TFL, they are not equivalent, indicating that there exists at least one valuation where one sentence is true and the other is false.
How is the sentence ‘¬(P ∨ Q)’ related to ‘¬P ∧ ¬Q’ in TFL?
The relationship between ‘¬(P ∨ Q)’ and ‘¬P ∧ ¬Q’ can be tested for equivalence using a truth table, which shows whether they yield the same truth values across all valuations.
What is the role of necessary truth in TFL?
Necessary truth in TFL is expressed by sentences that can be symbolized as tautologies, indicating that they are true in all possible scenarios.
Describe the process of constructing a truth table.
Constructing a truth table involves listing all possible truth value combinations for the variables involved and then calculating the truth values of the compound sentences based on these combinations.
Describe the relationship between truth values in logical operators for two sentences.
The truth values for the main logical operators can be compared in a table; if they match on every row, the two sentences are considered equivalent.
Define jointly satisfiable sentences in TFL.
Sentences A1, A2, …, An are jointly satisfiable in TFL if there exists some valuation that makes all of them true.
How can one test for joint satisfiability of sentences?
Joint satisfiability can be tested using truth tables.
Explain the concept of entailment in TFL.
Sentences A1, A2, …, An entail sentence C in TFL if no valuation makes all of A1, A2, …, An true while making C false.
What is the method to check entailment using truth tables?
To check entailment, one must determine if there is any valuation that makes both the premises true and the conclusion false.
Describe the significance of the final row in a truth table comparison.
In a truth table comparison, if the final row shows both sentences as true, it indicates that the sentences are equivalent.
How are jointly unsatisfiable sentences defined?
Sentences are jointly unsatisfiable if no valuation can make all of them true at the same time.
What logical operators are mentioned in the context of the first two sentences?
Negation is mentioned for the first sentence, and conjunction for the second.
Explain the process of using a truth table to check entailment for specific sentences.
To check whether ‘¬L → (J ∨ L)’ and ‘¬L’ entail ‘J’, one must verify if there is a valuation that makes the first two true and ‘J’ false.
Describe the relationship between ‘¬ L → (J ∨ L)’ and ‘¬ L’ in the context of entailment.
The only row where both ‘¬ L → (J ∨ L)’ and ‘¬ L’ are true is the second row, which also shows that ‘J’ is true. Therefore, ‘¬ L → (J ∨ L)’ and ‘¬ L’ entail ‘J’.
Define entailment in the context of TFL (Truth-Functional Logic).
Entailment in TFL means that if a set of premises A1, A2, …, An is true, then the conclusion C must also be true. If A1, A2, …, An entail C, the argument A1, A2, …, An ∴ C is valid.
How can one test for the validity of arguments in English using TFL?
To test for the validity of English arguments, first symbolize them in TFL, then check for entailment using truth tables.
Explain why an argument A1, A2, …, An ∴ C cannot be invalid if A1, A2, …, An entail C.
If A1, A2, …, An entail C, it is impossible to find a case where all premises are true and C is false, which would be required for the argument to be invalid.
What is the significance of truth tables in determining entailment in TFL?
Truth tables provide a systematic way to evaluate the truth values of premises and conclusions, allowing one to determine if the premises entail the conclusion.
How does the truth value of sentence letters affect the evaluation of arguments in TFL?
The truth values of sentence letters determine the truth values of the entire sentences based on the connectives used, which is essential for evaluating the validity of arguments.
Describe the process of generating a valuation for sentence letters in TFL.
A valuation is generated by assigning truth values to sentence letters based on a specific case, which reflects the truth values of the corresponding sentences in that case.
What conclusion can be drawn if an argument in TFL is found to be valid?
If an argument in TFL is valid, it means that whenever the premises are true, the conclusion must also be true, confirming the logical relationship between them.
Describe the symbol used to represent entailment in the context of TFL sentences.
The symbol used to represent entailment is ‘⊨’, known as the double turnstile, which abbreviates the statement that a set of TFL sentences together entails another sentence.
How is the double turnstile symbol used in metalanguage sentences?
In metalanguage sentences, the double turnstile symbol ‘⊨’ is used to indicate that a set of TFL sentences entails another sentence, such as in the example: A, A → B ⊨ B.
Define the limiting case of the double turnstile symbol.
The limiting case of the double turnstile symbol is written as ⊨ C, which indicates that there is no valuation that makes all the sentences on the left side true while making C false, meaning C is true in every valuation.
What does it mean if a sentence is represented as A ⊨ ?
If a sentence is represented as A ⊨, it means that no valuation makes A true, indicating that A is a contradiction.
Explain the significance of the double turnstile in the context of entailment.
The double turnstile is significant as it provides a concise way to express the relationship of entailment between TFL sentences and allows for the discussion of tautologies and contradictions in a formalized manner.
How can we express the idea that a sentence C is a tautology using the double turnstile?
We can express that a sentence C is a tautology by writing ⊨ C, indicating that every valuation makes C true.
What is the relationship between object language and metalanguage in the context of the double turnstile?
The double turnstile is a symbol of the metalanguage, which is used to discuss the properties of the object language (TFL sentences) rather than being a part of the object language itself.
Describe a scenario where we might want to deny a tautological entailment.
We might want to deny a tautological entailment when we want to assert that there is a situation or valuation where the entailment does not hold, indicating a more complex relationship between the sentences involved.
Describe the meaning of A1, A2, …, An ⊭ C.
It indicates that there exists some valuation that makes all of A1, A2, …, An true while making C false.
How does A1, A2, …, An ⊨ C differ from A1, A2, …, An ⊭ C?
A1, A2, …, An ⊨ C means that every valuation that makes A1, A2, …, An true also makes C true, while A1, A2, …, An ⊭ C indicates that at least one valuation makes A1, A2, …, An true and C false.
Define the relationship between A ⊨ C and A → C.
A ⊨ C holds true if no valuation makes A true and C false, while A → C is a tautology if no valuation makes A true and C false.
How is the symbol ‘→’ characterized in relation to TFL?
The symbol ‘→’ is a sentential connective of TFL, meaning it combines two TFL sentences into a longer TFL sentence.
Explain the significance of the symbol ‘⊨’.
The symbol ‘⊨’ represents a metalinguistic sentence that refers to the surrounding TFL sentences, distinguishing it from the sentential connective ‘→’.
What does it mean when A → C is described as a tautology?
A → C is a tautology if it is true in all cases except when A is true and C is false.
How do the terms ‘entails’ and ‘implies’ differ in logical context?
‘Entails’ refers to the relationship denoted by ‘⊨’, while ‘implies’ can refer to both ‘⊨’ and ‘→’, which can lead to confusion.
What is the implication of using ‘implies’ in logical discussions?
Using ‘implies’ can create confusion, so it is recommended to use it only to mean ‘entails’.
Describe the conditions under which A → C is a tautology.
A → C is a tautology if no valuation makes A true and C false, meaning it is true in all other cases.
How can one express the relationship between A ⊨ C and A → C?
A → C is a tautology if and only if A ⊨ C, indicating a strong connection between entailment and the truth of the conditional.