Chapter 13 Flashcards
Balance of convenience
Determination of who will suffer the greatest injury if the damage were allowed to continue
Control over the use and reproduction of the expression of creative work; type of IP
Delivery up
An order directing the defendant to deliver all copies of the infringing items in their possession or control to the copyright owner
Encryption coding
Technological innovations to protect privacy and security on the internet
Enhanced injunction
An injunction ordered by the court that goes beyond ceasing or rectifying the behaviour by prevent a party from engaging in certain behaviour in the future as well as
Fair dealing
Use of copyrighted material for the purposes of research or private study, criticism or review or news reporting
Intellectual property
Personal property, in the form of ideas and creative work
Moral rights
An authors right to prohibit others, including any new owners of a creative work, from distorting or degrading it, associating the work with particular causes or entities and the right of attribution
A code of conduct for online activities
A government grated monopoly prohibiting anyone but the patent owner and licensees from making, using, selling or importing the invention
Permanent injunction
A court order prohibiting offending conduct
Public domain
The category of works that are no longer copywrited; anyone can use
Statutory damages
A new remedy enabling courts to award damages that “it considers just” under the circumstances without needing proof of damage or lost profits
Summary procedures
An arrangement allowing a court to make a decision based on affidavit evidence
Trade secret
Confidential info that gives a business a competitive advantage
Any terms, letters, numbers, symbols, designs, colours, sounds, or combination of these, that identifies a business services or products and distinguishes them from those of a competitor