Chapter 13 Flashcards
Evolutionary Account of Violence
-physical aggression to protect their children promotes inclusive fitness for men.
Simplistic Reasoning and Rhetoric
-Engage in complex reasoning and rhetoric, take multiple viewpoints into consideration, and resist blaming one side or the other.
Media Violence
-Participants shown aggressive film clips in the lab behaved more aggressively afterwards than those shown non-aggressive clips
-The amount of violent tv viewed at age 8 predicts the likelihood of being involved in serious criminal activity at age 30
-Tendency to attribute nonhuman characteristics to outgroup members
-ex. referring to them as dogs, rats, pigs, etc.
Situational Determinants of Aggression
-Social Rejection
-Income Inequality
Culture of Honor
-A culture that is defined by its members’ strong concern about their own and others’ reputations
-the South is the best example of a “culture of honor.”
Income Inequality
-Americans constructed ideal wealth distributions that were far more equitable than even their erroneously low estimates.
-High Income Inequality, more likely
To be:
- murdered, assaulted, raped
Children bullied
Hostile Aggression
-Motivated by anger, hostility, or genuinely wanting to hurt the other person
Instrumental Aggression
-Motivated by something other than hostility, like wanting to get attention
Rape-prone culture
-a culture in which rape tends to be used as an act of war against enemy women, as a ritual act, or as a threat against women to keep them subservient to men
Inclusive fitness
-he fitness of an individual based on reproductive success and the passing on of genes to future generations