Chapter 13 Flashcards
accomodati / si accomodi
make yourself comfortable; have a seat (inf./f.)
aspetta / aspetti un attimo
wait a moment (inf/f)
dammi / mi dia
give me (inf/f)
dimmi / mi dica
tell me (inf/f)
mi piacerebbe ( + inf)
i would like to (do something)
(Non) sarebbe meglio… ?
Would (Wouldn’t) it be better… ?
non ti preoccupare / non si preoccupi
don’t worry (inf/f)
pure (with imperatives)
by all means
sarebbe una buon’idea
it would be a good idea
spesso e volentieri
quite often
sulla destra/sinistra
on the right/left
ti/Le dispiacerebbe (+ inf)
would you mind (doing something) (inf/f)
go (inf/f)
vieni/venga qui
come here (inf/f)
willingly, gladly, absolutely
to rent (apartments, houses)
andare diritto
to go straight
to get there
avere un sogno nel cassetto
to have a secret wish
to forget
essere d’accordo
to agree
fare trekking
to hike