Chapter 13 Flashcards
Capital companies (V): Financial Statements
Which documents are included in the financial accounts?
B–> Balance sheet, income statement, statement of the changes in the net worth for the financial year, cash flow statement and notes.
Determine which accounts directors should produce for a joint stock company with these figures during two consecutive years: Assests (€12,000,000), net yearly turnover (€20,000,000), average headcount (200):
C –> Balance sheet, statement of changes in net worth, cash flow statement, abridge income statement, notes.
In which of the following companies must an auditor verify annual financial accounts?
D –> Company 4: assets (€4,000,000), net yearly turnover (€5,900,000), average headcount (51)
When do shareholders have a right to request the appointment of an auditor to conduct a Non statuary audit of financial accounts?
C –> They shall represent at least 5% of the share capital.
What attendance (quorum) is needed to approve annual financial statements in joint stock corporations?
C –> 25% of the subscribed capital of those presented or represented in the first call.
What is the legal majority needed to adopt annual financial statements in limited liability companies?
B –> Plurality voting, if those who vote represent at least one-third of the votes pertaining to the stakes into which the capital is divided.
How can dividends be distributed?
D –> A and B are correct but limited liability companies by laws can override that rule.
The social capital of a limited liability company is €10,500. When is the legal reserve to distribute dividends fulfilled (assuming other requirements are met)?
B –> €2,100
Who shall file the approval annual financial statement with the reregister?
B –> Directors.
A joint stock corporation has not filed financial Statemans since 2013, what are the consequences of this behavior?
D –> Answer A and C are correct.