Chapter 12- Toddlerhood and early childhood Flashcards
Chronological age for Toddlerhood
12-36 months
Chronological age for early childhood
3-6 years
Synaptic blooming
a period of overproduction of synapses
Synaptic Pruning
reduction in the synapses to improve the efficiency of brain functioning.
the process where axons and neurons are coated with a fatty substance called myelin and causes faster neural communication and info processing
the two hemisphere of the brain begin to operate slightly differently, allowing for a wider range of activity
Gross motor skills
Control over large muscle groups, may require strength and speed
Fine motor skills
control over small muscles groups.
Deferred imitation
a child viewing something and imitating it
Transductive reasoning
to see a connection between unrelated instances without using abstract logic
children perceive reality only from their own experience and believe themselves to be at the center of existence.
Theory of mind
The child’s awareness of their own and other people’s mental processes and to the understanding that other people have different states of awareness
over regular in using grammar rules in speaking
The three components of moral development
Knowledge, emotions, actions
Cognitive developmental approach
Piaget’s theory had been the basis for stage models of moral reasoning which assumes that moral development changes with cognitive development
Kohlberg’s theory of moral development stages
Preconventional: Avoiding punishment and self interest
Conventional: Good boy attitude and law and order mentality
Post conventional: social contract and principle
Mirror neurons
key to developing empathy by allowing us to sense the move a person is going to make and the emotions they are experiencing
The two key ingredients for moral development
Empathy and perspective taking