Chapter 12 Social Psychology Flashcards
Those groups to which particular people belong
Groups that those to which they do not belong
Two conditions appear to be critical for group formation
Reciprocity and Transitivity
The word means if you scratch my back, I will scratch yours
The word means that people generally share their friend’s opinions of other people.
The tendency to view outgroup members as less varied than ingroup members.
Outgroup homogeneity effect
The idea that ingroups consist of individuals who perceive themselves to be members of the same social category and experience pride through their group membership.
Social identity Theory
People are more likely to distribute resources to ingroup members than to outgroup members.
Ingroup favoritism
the middle region of the prefrontal cortex, is important for thinking about other people, thinking about them generally or specifically, wether they are in igroups or outgroups.
Medial prefrontal Cortex
The medial cortex is less active when people consider members of outgrups, at least members of extreme outgroups such as homeless persons or drug addicts. One explination for this redction in activity is that people_______ some outgroups
The idea that the presence of others generally enhances performance.
social facilitation
A state of reduced individuality, reduced self awareness and reduced attention to personal standards; this phenomenon may occur when people are part of a group.
The process by which inital attitudes of groups become more extreme overtime.
Group Polarization
The tendency of a group to make a bad decision as a result of preserving the group and maintaining its cohesiveness; especailly likely when the group is under intense pressure, is facing external threats and is biased in aparticular direction.
The tendency for people to work less hard in a group than when working alone.
Social loafing