Chapter 12 - Reporting Flashcards
When the audit work is complete, what will the auditor prepare?
the auditor’s report containing an opinion on the FS
What are the objectives of an auditor?
- to form an opinion on the FS based upon an evaluation of their conclusions drawn from audit evidence
- to express clearly that opinion through a written report
The auditor will form an opinion on what?
whether the FS are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework
What are the different elements of an independent auditor’s report (16)?
- Title
- Addressee
- Auditor’s opinion
- Basis for opinion
- Key audit matters (if applicable)
- Material uncertainty related to going concern (if applicable)
- Emphasis of matter (if applicable)
- Other information
- Responsibilities of management and those charged with governance for the FS
- Auditors responsibilities for the audit of the FS
- Report on other legal and regulatory requirements
- other matter (if applicable)
- name of the engagement partner
- signature
- auditor’s address
- date
What is the purpose of the title in the independent auditor’s report?
to clearly identify the report as an independent auditor’s report
What is the purpose of the addressee in the independent auditor’s report?
to identify the intended user of the report
What is the purpose of the auditor’s opinoin in the independent auditor’s report?
provides the auditor’s conclusion as to whether the FS give a fair and true value
What is the purpose of the basis for opinion in the independent auditor’s report?
provides a description of the professional standards applied during the audit to provide confidence to users that the report can be relied uponWhat is the purpose of the title in the independent auditor’s report?
What is the purpose of the key audit matters in the independent auditor’s report?
to draw attention to any other significant matters which the auditor communicated with those charged with governance of which the users should be aware, to aid their understanding of the entity
Which companies would need to include the key audit matters section?
listed entities
What is the purpose of the material uncertainty related to going concern in the independent auditor’s report?
if there is disclosure of material uncertainties related to going concern that must be brought to the attention of the user
What is the purpose of the emphasis of matter in the independent auditor’s report?
To draw attention to any other significant matters disclosed by the entity of which the users should be aware to aid their understanding of the entity
What is the purpose of the other info in the independent auditor’s report?
to clarify that management are responsible for the other information such as the chair’s statement.
What is the purpose of the responsibilities of management and those charged with governance for the FS in the independent auditor’s report?
to clarify that management are responsible for preparing the FS and for the internal controls. Included to help minimise the expectations gap
What is the purpose of the auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the FS in the independent auditor’s report?
- clarify the auditor is responsible for expressing reasonable assurance as to whether teh FS give fair and true view and express that opinion in the report
What is the purpose of the report on other legal and regulatory requirements in the independent auditor’s report?
- highlight additional reporting responsibilities, if applicable
- may include jurisdiction to report on the adequacy of accounting records, internal controls over financial reporting or other info published with the FS
What is the purpose of the other matter in the independent auditor’s report?
- draw attention of the user to any other matters related to the audit, auditor’s responsibilities or auditor’s report of which the user should be aware
What is the purpose of the name of the engagement partner in the independent auditor’s report?
identify the person responsible for the audit opinion in case of any queries
What is the purpose of the signature in the independent auditor’s report?
shows the engagement partner or firm accountable for the opinion
What is the purpose of the auditor’s address in the independent auditor’s report?
to identify the specific office of the engagement partner in case of any queries
What is the purpose of the title in the independent auditor’s report?
to identify the date up to which the audit work has been performed
When is the report signed?
must be signed and dated after the date the directors approved the FS. often the FGS are approved and the auditor’s report signed on same day
The auditor’s opinion provides what?
the auditors conclusion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view
The auditor’s opinion can be what?
Modified or unmodified
What are the 2 types of issues the auditor needs to consider when forming the audit modified opinion?
- misstatement
- inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence