Chapter 12 - Quantitative Analysis Flashcards
descriptive statistics
procedures for organizing and summarizing data
inferential statistics
procedures for determining the extent to which one may generalize beyond the data at hand
data processing
the preparation of data for analysis
data matrix
form of a computer datafile, with rows as cases and columns as variables; each cell represents the value of a particular variable (column) for a particular case (row)
missing data
the absence of information on a variable for a given case
data cleaning
detection and correction of errors in a computer data file that may have occurred during data collection, coding, or data entry
wild-code checking
data-cleaning procedure involving checking for out-of-range and other ‘illegal’ codes among the values recorded for each variable
consistency checking
data-cleaning procedure involving checking for unreasonable
univariate analysis
statistical analysis of one variable at a time
frequency distribution
tabulation of the number of cases falling into each category of a variable
percentage distribution
norming operation that facilitates interpreting and comparing frequency distributions by transforming each frequency to a common yardstick of 100 units in length; the number of cases in each category is divided by the total and multiplied by 100
abbreviation representing the # of observations on which a statistic is based
average value of a dataset
midpoint in a distribution
value or category of a frequency distribution having the highest frequency
difference between the lowest and highest values
standard deviation
measure of variability or dispersion that indicates the average ‘spread’ of observations about the mean
unusual or suspicious values that are far removed from the preponderance of observations for a variable
listwise deletion
missing values in multivariate analysis that excludes cases which have missing values on any of the variables in the analysis
procedure for handling missing data in which values are assigned based on other information such as the sample mean or known values of other variables
bivariate analysis
statistical analysis of the relationship between two variables
marginal frequencies
row + column table in a contingency table (cross-tabulation) that represent the univariate frequency distributions for the row and column variables
cell frequency
number of cases in a cell of a cross-tabulation (contingency table)
measures of association
descriptive statistics used to measure the strength and direction of a bivariate relationship (0 = no association; 1 = perfect association)
regression analysis
statistical method for analyzing bivariate (simple) and multivariate (multiple) relationships among interval- or ratio-scale variables
graph plotting the values of two variables for each observation