Chapter 12 - Personal Loss Bereavement and Grief Flashcards
Preloss Grief
referred to as anticipatory grief and is the reaction that occurs when an individual is diagnosed with an illness that will likely end in death
Kübler-Ross’s Stages of Grief
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s model describes grief as having five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. This model is popular but lacks empirical validation.
A common life transition and not a disorder, involves biopsychosocial adjustment and evolving relationships with the deceased
Uncomplicated Bereavement
involves transitioning from living relationships to memories, accepting death, and finding new joy and opportunities
Grief and Prolonged Grief Disorder
Grief is a unique emotional suffering due to loss. Prolonged grief is recognized as a mental health issue
Traumatic Grief
Complicated, prolonged grief felt after a person witnesses or is near the violent, sudden, unexpected, horrifying death of a loved one. Can include PTSD symptoms and anger.
Disenfranchised Grief
Disenfranchised grief occurs when societal norms prevent open grieving, affecting various relationships and causing internalized grief.
What are some ways of helping children in bereavement?
-use play therapy for emotional expression and coping
-Focus on family dynamics, ensuring surviving child feels loved and included in grieving process
-Engage teachers, peers, and nonparental figures in supporting the child’s grieving process
What does effective grieving involve?
Effective grieving involves transitioning from loss orientation to restoration orientation
What are the components of effective grief support?
Empathic presence, gentle conversation, providing available space, and eliciting trust are essential for effective grief support.
What are the types of loss?
-death of a spouse
-death of a child
-loss due to caregiving
What are some intervention models for children?
Intervention models for children include resilience-building stress management, affective expression development, and cognitive coping skills.
What are the diverse forms of loss?
1) Bereavement in older adults
2) COVID Isolation
3) Job Loss
4) Separation/Divorce
5) Death of a Pet
What are the challenges and responses to bereavement in adolescence?
Bereaved adolescents may experience substance abuse, school problems, aggressive behaviors, and other disturbances, with peer death being particularly traumatic due to its often preventable and violent nature.
-The need for connectedness is vital in adolescent bereavement; inclusion in family grief, while respecting their need for privacy
-Positive parenting and school support play vital roles in helping adolescents navigate bereavement, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging their feelings and providing appropriate interventions.
True or False: The concept of mourning has stayed the same over time.
The concept of mourning has evolved over time, with historical and cultural shifts impacting attitudes and practices towards death and loss.
What are the 3 general patterns of responses to death?
death accepting, death defying, or death denying
Schneider’s Growth Model
An eight-stage holistic model promoting personal growth through stress, loss, and grief, emphasizing the positive aspects of trauma recovery.
Primary Loss
A significant event, such as a death.
Secondary Loss
A consequence of a primary loss, such as the loss of status or financial security after the death of a spouse.
Ambiguous Loss
Physical absence but psychological presence, or vice versa, with COVID-19 adding complexity to this type of loss
Nonfinite Loss
Ongoing losses, such as changing relationships due to caregiving, leading to chronic sorrow and guilt.