Chapter 12 Key Terms Flashcards
Mortgage in which the interest rate changes periodically (i.e. annually); a way for banks to transfer the risk of higher interest rates to the consumer
adjustable rate mortgage (arm)
the value of a piece of property over and above any mortgage or liabilities related to i
An interest rate that does not change over time
fixed rate
An asset rising in value, which helps one to keep up with the rising cost of inflation; real estate can be a great inflation hedge
inflation hedge
Computer program used by real estate agents to search frequently updated listings of available prop-erties in order to find prospective homes for their clients
multiple listing service (MLS)
Loan secured by the collateral of real estate property, which obligates the borrower to make a predetermined series of payments
Original amount of money invested, excluding any interest or dividends; also called the face value of a loan
A real estate professional who receives a com-mission for arranging and facilitating the sale of a property for a buyer or a seller. Also referred to as a real estate broker
real estate agent