Chapter 12 - Introduction to Predictive Modeling in the Life insurance Industry Flashcards
What is predictive modelling?
Uses statistics to predict outcomes
What is the purpose of modelling?
To present some actual process or phenomenon in the real world so that we can understand it, and then predict how that may work in a variety of applications? (i.e future mortality in u/w)
What are some examples of modeling targets in insurance (5)?
1) Marketing - likelihood to buy, open, rate
2) Sales - Conversion rate
3) U/W - Risk class, mortality, morbidity
4) Servicing - Probability of lapse, call frequency
5) Claims - Claim frequency, claim severity
What is the Framingham study?
Study that analyzed many variables to find the risk factors for CAD (has bewen the baseline behind preferred risk U.W for decades)
What is triage U/W?
Utilizes predictive models - akin to use of reflex testing in abnormal labs - rather than obtaining an u/w requirement because it is -Aimed at predicting whether an additional requirement would provide useful info in u/wing the risk
-Benefit - cost saving, time saving
What is propensity scoring?
When more detailed information is collected (lab values) - more complex models can be built o to estimate the likelihood or propensity of a PI having a certain condition or disease.
-Large datasets; cases identified with high propensity could be flagged for APS or additional scrutiny
What is the role of predictive modeling in decisions?
Models may be used to flag applications for immediate decline if they exceed a certain threshold .
What is the role of predictive modeling in predicting mortality?
The most difficult and complex use of predictive models - creating a model to predict mortality would require a huge amount of data, very challenging to do.
Issue - historical data may not represent current business. Past U/W requirements may have changed. Data may be missing.
-Where mortality models are created, typically they are used in a triage type environment.
What are some benefits of predictive modeling (4)?
1) Improved mortality, more competitive pricing - by identifying PI’s who are worse or better risk, cthan found through traditional U/W alone
2) Faster case processing and less invasive UW - modeling bypasses traditional methods which can be lengthy and require more from the PI
3) Lower underwriting costs - by identifying cases where requirements can be waived
4) Better underwriter utilization - reduced requirements = more cases without UW review resulting in simpler cases not requiring UW attention. This allows for UW to use expertise to handle more complex cases
What are some challenges with predictive modeling (3)
1) Data availability
2) Data quality
3) Model fitting and subject matter expertise
What issues does data availability present in predictive modeling?
-Large number of death claims required
-The event being predicted can extend 20 years or more into the future
-This presents a lot of variables to be considered when using data; policies UW 20 yrs ago may not be as relevant in todayts environment (guidelines have shifted, products changed, prior book of business may be different)
-Mortality outcomes on all applicants (not just those issued and accepted) would be required - this requires working with multiple internal and third-party sources to obtain this data for historical applicants.
Challenges with predictor variables - infrequently occurring risks (diseases, conditions)) seen rarely can be considered ‘noise’ in the modeling process.
What can be done to address issues with data availability?
Alternative modeling targets that occur with greater frequency can be chosen when building a mortality model - examples of alternative targets could be the UW risk decision/risk class or whether a particular requirement provided protective value. This reduced the volume of data required since the target is identified at time of underwriting.
What issues does data quality present in predictive modeling?
Often data can be missing or corrupt - can be handled by simply eliminating this cases, however, this can result in a substantial amount of missing data, impacting the power of the model. Also, cases with missing data may be biased, resulting in ‘blind spots’ in the model.
-Inconsistent formats, no-linear relationships, collinearity and other technicalities pose issues with data quality as well.
What are some ways of handling missing data?
‘Filling in’ missing data by imputing the mean or median value and use that value for the cases where the val;ue is missing - can significantly bias the data set (i/e/ if a variable missing from a subset of cases is a specialized lab value that is only collected as a result of a lab reflex test)
What issues does model fitting and subject matter expertise present in predictive modeling?
1) Underfitting to the data - occurs when the model insufficiently represents real -world phenomena with its predictions being too far from the actual data to be considered useful.
-Can be caused by an insufficient amount of data, by missing key factors ,or utilizing a model form that is too simple.
2) Overfitting - results when a model is developed to accurately predict the target for a particular dataset, but its predictions do not continue to hold into the future. The model must be show n to work not just on the data it was built upon, but on additional data that the model was not exposed to in the development process
-This can be done by partitioning data into separate sets:
a) a “build “ dataset that is used to develop the model.
b) a “validation” dataset that is used to test the model
-If the models shows considerably worse performance on the verification dataset, then possibility of overfitting should be considered.
3) Blind spots - missing data can result in a model that is not predictive in certain areas as the model has no basis in is build data set.
-Caution should be used when using a model in conditions outside of what it was built upon