Chapter 12 - Employment law Flashcards
What is a contract of service?
contract of employment, expressed/implied orally/in writing
What is a contract for services?
Self employed
What’s the min to create an employment situation?
Personal service, control and mutuality of obligations
Can an employee claim for wrongful dismissal?
Self employed contractor can’t
What protections do employees get from legislation?
Notice periods
Statutory redundancy payments
Remedies for unfair dismissal
Health and safety protection
Under common law, what implied duties does an employee have?
Obey lawful and reasonable orders
Not to misuse confidential info
Exercise reasonable care and skill
Personal service
Trust and confidence
Under common law, what are the implied duties of an employer?
Pay a reasonable remuneration
Health and safety
Indemnify employees
Provide work
Provide accurate reference
Not to disclose confidential info
Maintain mutual trust and confidence
What is the statutory min notice period for for continuous employment between 1 month and 2 years?
Not less than 1 week
What is the statutory min notice period for for continuous employment between 2 and 12 years?
Not less than 1 week per year of continuous employment
What is the statutory min notice period for for continuous employment more than 12 years?
Not less than 12 weeks
What are the principal duties for employers implied by statute?
Health and safety
No discrimination
Parental bereavement leave
How long must an employee be continuously employed to claim for unfair dismissal?
2 years min
How long does an employee have to make a claim to an employment tribunal?
Within 3 months of termination date
When does constructive dismissal occur?
Employer repudiates some essential term of the contract
What happens if an employee resigns?
Contract frustrated
No unfair dismissal
What are some automatically unfair reasons for dismissal?
Spent conviction under Rehab of Offenders Act 1974
Trade union membership
Transfer of an undertaking
Seeking to enforce statutory rights
Making a disclosure under public inresest disclosure act 1998
What are potentially fair reasons for dismissal?
Employee misconduct
Statutory restriction
What are the remedies for unfair dismissal?
When does wrongful dismissal occur?
Employer dismisses employee in breach of employment contract or with less notice than required
Where might wrongful dismissal cases be brought?
Award for damages exceeds statutory max compensation from unfair dismissal
After 3 months to make claim for unfair dismissal has elapsed
Wrongful dismissal can be brought within 6 years of breach
What does summary dismissal mean?
Dismissal with no or insufficient notice
When is an employer justified in dismissing and employee summarily?
refusal to obey lawful and reasonable orders
Gross misconduct
Gross/persistent negligence
Breach of contract
What is the remedy for wrongful dismissal?
Employee claim for damages based on loss of earnings
How is redundancy pay calculated?
According to age and length of service, same as unfair dismissal
What are the conditions to be entitled to redundancy pay?
Continuously employed for min 2 years
Must show dismissed for redundancy/laid off/kept on short for 4+ consecutive weeks or 6/13 weeks
What does laid off mean?
Week in which individual earns nothing
What does kept on short time mean?
Week in which earn less than half normal pay
What are the conditions to be classified as a worker?
Fall short of being an employee but provide work for an organisation so self-employed
What protection do workers get?
Min wage
Min amount of paid leave
What is the Uber case?
Those in gig economy can be workers
When must an employer provide a written statement of employment particulars to an employee (in
the absence of an employment contract)?
On or before the day employment commences
Do an employee’s implied duties under the common law cease when their employment ceases?
No, duty not to misuse
confidential information may continue after that time
Is assessing employees on an annual basis an implied duty of an employer?
Does an employer owes a common law duty to provide an accurate and fair reference for their employee
on termination of their employment.
Employee should be the one making sure reference is accurate and fair
Who is responsible if an accident occurs due to negligence?
The company and any director or other officer who consents to or is responsible for the commission
of the offence may be liable to an unlimited fine and up to two years’ imprisonment.
Is dismissal at retirement age a fair dismissal?
Yes, if it is shown to be proportionate
and objectively justifiable in order to constitute “some other substantial reason” for the dismissal.
Does an employee have a statutory right not to be unfairly dismissed under the Employment Rights Act 1996.
Can an employee who does not comply with the Acas Code of Practice may have their claim reduced by up to 50%?
No, claim may be reduced by 25%
Is an employee required to show a qualifying period of continuous employment if the principal
reason for their dismissal is that they have made a protected disclosure?
Under the Employment Rights Act 1996 can a compensatory award for unfair dismissal be reduced where the employee fails to mitigate their loss?
Is use of the terms employee and employer conclusive proof that a contract of employment exists?
Does the notice period of termination have to be included in the written statement of prescribed particulars?
No, can be separate doc
Within what time period, following the relevant date of dismissal by reason of redundancy must a claim for a statutory redundancy payment in accordance with the Employment Rights Act
1996 be brought?
6 months
How are employees paid?
Net of income tax and national insurance contributions.
Can employers ever avoid liability if they commit discrimination?
Yes, but only if the discrimination is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.