Chapter 12 Electromagnetic Waves Flashcards
What are EM waves
Em waves are transverse waves that transfer energy from one place to another
What set of properties do EM waves share
Travel at speed of light
Can travel through a medium
All transverse
High frequency means high energy, low frequency means low energy
What is the electromagnetic spectrum
The different type of em waves and how they differ in wave length
Em wavelengths in EM spectrum from largest wavelength to smallest
Radio waves
Visible light
Ultraviolet (uv)
Gamma rays
What is the range of size of EM wavelengths
1 kilometre to 1 picometre
Wavespeed calculation
V=f x wavelength
Wavespeed(m/s) = frequency(Hz) x wavelength(m)
Source,effect on body,one main use,how it’s suited radio waves
Source - alternating current in electrical circuit creating radio wave
Effect - passes through
Main use - carrys signal between phone and nearest phone mast
How it’s suited - longer wavelength so travel further than short wavelength radio waves so can send signal around the world
Source,effect on body,one main use,how it’s suited microwaves
Source - mobile phones, heatinf food in microwave
Effect on body - can be absorbed heating cells may be dangerous
Main use - used for satellite communications in satellite tv or phones.signal in atmosphere transmitted due ti shirt wavelngth through atmosphere reflects from satellite sent to earth
Why it’s suited - waves penetrate food, then asborbed by water molecules so transfer energy so warms up and cooks it
Source,effect on body,one main use,how it’s suited infared radiation
Source - given of by all objects the hotter the more radiation
Effect on body - reflected lr absorbed by skin causing some heating also potentially burns if skin gets to warm
One main use - can be used to cook. Temp of object increases when absorbing the infa red radiation.
Why is it suited - Ir cameras can detect Ir radiation given off by objects and monitor their temp and turn it into electrical signals to display onto screen
Source,effect on body,one main use,how it’s suited visible light
Sources - main use is looking at things but for communication with signals sent along optical fibres carrying info over lomg distances as pulses of light
Effects on the body - mostly absorbed or reflected can cuase some heatinf effects
One main use and how it works - in medicine with one end of fibre optic cable a camera to see inside of the body requring a small cut
How it’s suited - Optical fibres work by bouncing light off sides of a very narrow core. The pulse of the light enters the core at a certain angle at one end and is reflected from the sides repeatdely until it emerges at the other end
Absorbtion and emissions of ir radiation required practical method
1-Fill the cube with hot water
2-Then using a ruler measure a certain amount to decide how much to measure your readings from for fair and reliable results
3-Then from that certain distance using the infared thermometer measure each face’s temprature the greater the temp the greater the radiation
4-Repeat for each surface
Absorbtion and emissions of ir radiation required practical equipment
Leslie box
Infared thermometer
Boiling water to pour in from kettle
Heat proof matt
Absorbtion and emissions of ir radiation required practical risk assessment
Make sure not to pour any of the boiling water over you so make sure to have it in a secure kettle/jug and pour slowly and carefully to ensure it dosen’t burn you and dosen’t get everywehere
The shorter the wavelength of a wave means that
More info carried
The shorter the range(greater absorbtion by the atmosphere)
The less they spread out
Compared with radio and microwaves optical fibres…
Carry much more info as light has a shorter wavelength than radio waves so carrys more pulses of waves
More secure as the signals stay in the fibre
What’s a carrier wave
EM waves which is modulated to carry a signal
Ultraviolet freuqency range,uses,dangers
Range - 8x10^4 x 3x10^16
Uses - sun bed/tan, fluroescent light, light bulbs
Dangers - eyes, causing blindness - can damage skin through sun burn, aging skin and skin cancer
How to protect from dangers of uv light- sun cream,sunglasses,cover skin not to too much time in sun
Similartieis betwen x and gamma rays
Highest energy
Highest frequendg
Shortest wavelength
How x rays are produced
When electronsare moving at a high speed they collide with a metal target producing x rays
How are gamma rays produced
By radioactive substances when unstable nuclei release energy
What are x rays used for in hospitals
X rays are used for x-ray therapy to destroy cancerous tumors in the body. And are also used to for x-ray photographs to see the bones in the body to see if they are broken. They can be used to see internal organs. They can do this by drinking a contrast medium for example barium what absorbs the x-rays so then you see internal organs
Why are x rays dangerous
As they can cause ionisng radiation leading to cancer with high doses killing living cells while low doses can caused genetic mutation and cancerous growth
What absorbs x rays as they pass through the human body
Bones,teeth,metal objects which are not to thin
Whats a charge couples device (CCC)
An electronic device that creates an electronic signal from an optical image formed on the CCD’s array of pixels