Chapter 12: Defining and influencing financial capability Flashcards
What is financial capability?
Financial capability assumes that giving people skills is everything required for them to become financial capable
What are conditions for capability? (4)
(1) Person needs enough knowledge and skills
(2) Conscious or unconscious desire
(3) optimal physical conditions
Favorable cultural institutions
What are the 3 components of behavioral capability?
(1) Abilities
(2) Motivations
(3) Opportunies
What are 2 different types of ability in behavioral capability?
(1) Pscyholgoical –> have knowledge and skills, but also comprehension and reasoning (ability to perform)
(2) Physical = health.
What are 2 different forms of motivations in behavioral capability?
(1) Reflective motivations (system 2) = reflective, controlled and slow. Goal setting and planning, pros/cons
(2) Automatic motivations (system 1) = automatic, quick and affective. Habits, impulses, heuristics and biases
What are 2 different types of opportunities in behavioral capability?
(1) Social opportunity = shared values and practices, do you come into contact with topic X in your direct surroundings?
(2) Physical = infrastructure or tech available for people including the disabled
We are heavily influenced in automated motivations and behavior. What acronym is used to describe this and what does it stand for?
(1) Messenger = who
(2) Incentives = responses shaped by loss aversion, temporal discounting and mental accounts
(3) Norms = we like to comply with norm
(4) Defaults = we like go with the flow, requires 0 effort
(5) Salience = what’s new and relevant and/or simple
(6) Priming = sounds, lights smells whatever
(7) Affect = strong influence
(8) Commitments = consistent with promise
(8) Ego = make us feel better
Ways to influence financial capability: psychological abilities examples
- Improvement through education
- Farmers in india; interactive expelenactions lead to double uptake of insurance
- Saving rates increase with help of employer-based education
- People underestimate how much wealth they will accumulate by saving at a certain rate, helping them to understand this more with visuals
How can somebody use reflective motivation to influence financial capability? (6)
(1) Evaluation/goal setting phase;
- Identify an important whish that is director awards behavior change
- Identify and imagine the most positive outcome of the behavior change
- Identify the most critical obstacle that hinders fulfillment
(2) Planning / implementation phase
- Use implementation cues: if this happens than I do so
- Include details about when, where and how you want to act
- Include anticipating planning and coping planning
How can you influence financial capability by influencing automatic motivation? (MINDSPACE!)
Messenger = Influenced by friends/family by telling what benefits of acting are Incentives = people are less likely to spend tax repayments in the form of rebate or lump sum. If framed as bonus and it is cut into chunks they spend it (per-day frame is always preferred) Norms = towel hotel example Defaults = donor example and status quo bias Salience = can cause focus on consumption or risk/reward Priming = plastic-card/money effect Affect = an attractive face to a solicitation increases the likelihood of borrowing as much as reducing interest rate Commitments = asking for small initial commitment significantly reduces subsequent no-show Ego = fill-in clarifying statement on top of a form leads to more finished reports due to given commitment