Chapter 12: Congenital Heart Disorders Flashcards
What is a congenital heart disease?
Congenital heart disease is a general term used to describe abnormalities of the heart or great
vessels that are present from birth.
Where does most congenital disorders arise from ?
Most such disorders arise from faulty embryogenesis during gestational weeks 3 through 8, when major cardiovascular structures form and begin to
The most severe anomalies are incompatible with intrauterine survival.
Congenital heart defects compatible with embryologic maturation and birth generally affect individual
chambers or discrete regions of the heart, with the remainder of the heart developing relatively
Examples are infants born with a defect in :
- septation (“hole in the heart”),
- such as atrial septal defect (ASD) or a ventricular septal defect (VSD),
- stenotic valvular lesions, or with
- abnormalities in the coronary arteries.
Some forms of congenital heart disease produce
clinically important manifestations soon after birth, which are frequently brought on by the
change from fetal to postnatal circulatory patterns (with reliance on the lungs for oxygenation birth, rather than the placenta as in intrauterine life).
Approximately half of congenital
cardiovascular malformations are diagnosed in the first year of life, but some mild forms may
not become evident until adulthood (e.g., ASD).
With an incidence of approximately 1% (estimates range from 4 to 50 per 1000 live births),
- *congenital cardiovascular** defects are among the most prevalent malformations and are the
- *most common type of heart disease among children**. [24]
T or F
The incidence is higher in premature
infants and in stillborns
TABLE 12-2 – Frequencies of Congenital Cardiac Malformations
in desceding order
- Ventricular septal defect : 42%
- Atrial septal defect: 10%
- Pulmonary stenosis :8 %
- Patent ductus arteriosus: 7%
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Coarctation of the aorta
- Atrioventricular septal defect
- Aortic stenosis
- Transposition of the great arteries
- Truncus arteriosus
- Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
- Tricuspid atresia
The number of individuals who have survived with congenital heart disease into adulthood is
increasing rapidly and is presently estimated at nearly 1 million individuals in the United States. [25]
Many of those with congenital heart disease have benefited greatly from rapid advances in the surgical and interventional repair of various structural heart defects.
Nevertheless, such repairs may not restore the heart to normal; in such instances, patients may
suffer from arrhythmias or ventricular dysfunction, and require additional surgery. [26] Other
factors that impact the long-term outcome include risks associated with the use of prosthetic
materials and devices, [27] such as substitute valves or myocardial patches, and maternal risks
associated with childbearing.
The diverse malformations seen in congenital heart disease are caused by errors that occur
during cardiac development; thus, a brief review how the heart normally forms is in order before
discussing the specific defects
Suffice it to say that the earliest cardiac precursors originate in ________________
Suffice it to say that the earliest cardiac precursors originate in lateral
mesoderm and move to the mid-line in two migratory waves to create a crescent of cells
consisting of the first and second heart fields by about _____________
day 15 of development
Suffice it to say that the earliest cardiac precursors originate in lateral
mesoderm and move to the mid-line in two migratory waves to create a crescent of cells
consisting of the______________ by about day 15 of development
first and second heart fields
heart field is marked by the expression of different sets of genes; for example, the first heart
field expresses the transcription factors ________
TBX5 and Hand1,
heart field is marked by the expression of different sets of genes; whereas the second heart field
expresses the transcription factor ______________
Hand2 and fibroblast growth factor-10.
Both first and second fields contain
multipotent progenitor cells that can produce all of the major cell types of the heart;
endocardium, myocardium, and smooth muscle cells.
As an aside, there is considerable interest
in the therapeutic potential of such early cardiac progenitors, which could conceivably be used
to regenerate portions of the adult heart that are damaged or otherwise dysfunctional.

FIGURE 12-3 Human cardiac development, emphasizing the three sources of cells.
- A, Day 15. First heart field (FHF) cells (shown in red) form a crescent shape in the anterior embryo with second heart field (SHF) cells (shown in yellow) near the FHF.
- B, Day 21. SHF cells lie dorsal to the straight heart tube and begin to migrate (arrows) into the anterior and posterior ends of the tube to form the right ventricle (RV), conotruncus (CT), and part of the atria (A).
- C, Day 28. Following rightward looping of the heart tube, cardiac neural crest cells (shown in
blue) also migrate (arrow) into the outflow tract from the neural folds to septate the outflow
tract and pattern the bilaterally symmetric aortic arch arteries (III, IV, and VI). - D, Day 50. Septation of the ventricles, atria, and atrioventricular valves (AVV) results in the
appropriately configured four-chambered heart. Ao, aorta; AS, aortic sac; DA, ductus
arteriosus; LA, left atrium; LCA, left carotid artery; LSCA, left subclavian artery; LV, left
ventricle; PA, pulmonary artery; RA, right atrium; RCA, right carotid artery; RSCA, right
subclavian artery; V, ventricle.
Even at this very early stage of development, each heart field is destined to give rise to particular portions of the heart.
Cells derived from the first heart field mainly give rise to _________,
the left ventricle
Even at this very early stage of development, each heart field is destined to give rise to particular portions of the heart.
Cells derived from the second heart field give rise to the what?
- outflow tract,
- right ventricle,
- and most of the atria.
What happens by day 20 in the development of heart?
By day 20, the initial cell crescent develops into a beating tube, which loops to the right
When do the heart chambers begin to form?
begins to form the heart chambers by day 28
Aside from the start of formation of the heart chambers on day 28, what else are the critical events that occur?
Around this time, two
other critical events occur:
- (1) cells derived from the neural crest migrate into the outflow tract, where they participate in the septation of the outflow tract and the formation of the aortic arches; and
- (2) the extracellular matrix (ECM) underlying the future atrioventricular canal and outflow tract enlarges to produce swellings known as endocardial cushions
This process
depends on the delamination of a subset of endocardial cells, which invade the ECM and
subsequently proliferate and differentiate into the mesenchymal cells that are responsible for
valve development.
What happens by day 50 in the development of the heart?
By day 50, further septation of the ventricles, atria, and atrioventricular valves produces the four chambered heart.
The proper orchestration of these remarkable transformations in the development of the heart depends on a network of transcription factors that are regulated by a number of signaling pathways, particularly the
- Wnt,
- bone morphogenetic factor,
- TGF-β,
- fibroblast growth factor,
- and Notch pathways.
Because a heart is a mechanical organ, what else play an important role in its development aside from the growth factors and genes?
It should also be remembered that the heart is a mechanical organ that is exposed to flowing blood from its earliest stages of development.
It is likely that hemodynamic forces play an
important role in cardiac development,just as theyinfluence adaptations in the adult heart such
as hypertrophy and dilation.
How does micro-RNAs play critical roles in cardiac development?
In addition, specific micro-RNAs play critical roles in cardiac development by coordinating patterns and levels of transcription factor expression
Many of the genetic defects that affect heart development are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ that cause partial loss of function in one or another required factor, which are often transcription factors (discussed below).
autosomal dominant mutations
Thus, even relatively minor changes in the activity of
one of the many factors necessary for normal development can lead to defects in the final
product, the fully developed heart.
It can be imagined (but is unproved) that transient
environmental stresses during the first trimester of pregnancy that alter the activity of these
same genes might give rise to defects resembling those produced by inherited mutations.
The main known causes of congenital heart disease consist of :
- sporadic genetic abnormalities, which can take the form of single gene mutations,
- small chromosomal deletions,
- and additions or deletions of whole chromosomes (trisomies and monosomies).
In the case of single gene
mutations, the affected genes encode proteins belonging to several different functional classes
Many of these mutations affect genes encoding
_______ that are required for normal heart development
transcription factors
Since the affected patients
are heterozygous for these mutations, it follows that a 50% reduction in the activity of these
factorsis probablysufficient to derange cardiac development.
What is the reason behind as to why mutations in any one of several genes produce similar defects?
Some of the affected
transcription factors appear to work together in large protein complexes, providing an
explanation for why mutations in any one of several genes produce similar defects
example, GATA4, TBX5, and NKX2-5, three transcription factors that are mutated in some
patients with atrial and ventricular septal defects, all bind to one another and co-regulate the
expression of target genes that are required for the proper development of the heart. Of further
interest, GATA4 and TBX20 are also mutated in rare forms of adult-onset cardiomyopathy
(discussed later), indicating that they are not only important developmentally but are also
needed to maintain the function of the postnatal heart.
TABLE 12-3 – Selected Examples of Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease
- NKX2–5
- GATA-4 [*]
- TBX20 [*]
TABLE 12-3 – Selected Examples of Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease
- TBX5
- TBX1
- Fibrillin
TABLE 12-3 – Selected Examples of Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease
affected gene: NKX2–5
Normal Function: Transcription
Congenital Cardiac Disease : ASD, VSD, conduction defects
TABLE 12-3 – Selected Examples of Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease
affected gene: GATA-4
Normal Function :Transcription
Congenital Cardiac Disease: ASD, VSD
TABLE 12-3 – Selected Examples of Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease
affected gene: TBX20 [*]
Normal Function:Transcription
Congenital Cardiac Disease: ASD, VSD, valve abnormalities
TABLE 12-3 – Selected Examples of Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease
affected gene: TBX5
- Normal Function: Transcription factor
- Syndrome Name:Holt-Oram
- Congenital Cardiac Disease: ASD, VSD, Conduction defects
TABLE 12-3 – Selected Examples of Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease
affected gene: TBX1
- Normal Function: Transcription factor
- Syndrome Name: DiGeorge
- Congenital Cardiac Disease: Cardiac outflow tract defects
TABLE 12-3 – Selected Examples of Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease
affected gene: JAG1, NOTCH2
- Normal Function: Notch signaling
- Syndrome Name: Alagille
- Congenital Cardiac Disease: Pulmonary artery stenosis, Tetralogy of Fallot
TABLE 12-3 – Selected Examples of Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease
affected gene:Fibrillin
- Normal Function: Structural protein
- Syndrome Name: Marfan
- Congenital Cardiac Disease: Aortic aneurysm
TABLE 12-3 – Selected Examples of Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease
affected gene:Fibrillin
- Normal Function: Structural protein
- Syndrome Name: Marfan
- Congenital Cardiac Disease: Aortic aneurysm
Associated with adult-onset cardiomyopathy. ASD, atrial septal defect; VSD, ventricular septal
- GATA-4
- TBX20
Other single gene mutations associated with congenital heart disease affect proteins within
signaling pathways or that have structural roles.
Mutations in genes encoding various
components of the Notch pathway, such as ________, are associated
with a number of different congenital heart defects, including bicuspid aortic valve (NOTCH1,
discussed later) and Tetralogy of Fallot (JAGGED1 and NOTCH2).
As you will recall
from Chapter 11 ,
fibrillin mutations underlie what syndrome?
Marfan syndrome, which is associated with valvular defects and aortic aneurysms.
Although fibrillin was initially described as a structural protein, it is also an important negative regulator of TGFβ signaling, and hyperactive TGFβ signaling is at
least partially responsible for the cardiovascular abnormalities in Marfan syndrome.
A notable example of a small chromosomal lesion that causes congenital heart disease is deletion of _________, which is found in up to 50% of patients with DiGeorge syndrome. s.
chromosome 22q11.2
In this syndrome the fourth branchial arch and the derivatives of the third and fourth
pharyngeal pouches, which contribute to the formation of the thymus, parathyroids, and heart,
develop abnormally.
One candidate gene in the deleted region is TBX1, which encodes a transcription factor that regulates the expansion of cardiac progenitors in the second heart
Other important genetic causes of congenital heart disease include chromosomal aneuplodies, particularly Turner syndrome (monosomy X) and trisomies 13, 18, and 21. [31]
Indeed, the most common genetic cause of congenital heart disease is trisomy 21 (Down
syndrome), [32] in which about 40% of patients have one or more heart defects, most often
affecting structures derived from the endocardial cushions (e.g., the atrioventricular septae and
valves). The mechanisms by which aneuploidy leads to congenital heart defects remain largely
unknown, but are likely to involve the dysregulated expression of multiple gene
Beyond these known associations, more subtle forms of genetic variation probably also
contribute to congenital heart disease.
This assertion is based in part on the recognition that
first-degree relatives of affected patients are at increased risk for congenital heart defects
compared to the general population
. For example, a child of a father with a VSD has a risk of 2%; if the VSD occurred in the mother, the risk to her offspring is 6% to 10%.
Despite these genetic clues, it must be acknowledged that our understanding of the
mechanisms that lead to heart defects remains rudimentary.
Most affected patients have no
identifiable genetic risk factor, and even in those that do, the nature and severity of the defect
are highly variable.
As a result, it is thought that environmental factors, alone or in combination with genetic factors, also contribute to congenital heart disease and in some cases may be the primary cause.
Examples of known exposures that are associated with heart defects include
congenital rubella infection, gestational diabetes, and exposure to teratogens (including some
therapeutic drugs). [33]
There is also great interest in identifying nutritional factors that may modify risk.
For instance, intake of multivitamin supplements containing folate may reduce the
risk of congenital heart defects
What is the most common genetic cause of congenital heart disease__________ in which about 40% of patients have one or more heart defects, most often
affecting structures derived from the endocardial cushions (e.g., the atrioventricular septae and
Indeed, the most common genetic cause of congenital heart disease is trisomy 21 (Down
syndrome), [32] in which about 40% of patients have one or more heart defects, most often
affecting structures derived from the endocardial cushions (e.g., the atrioventricular septae and
The mechanisms by which aneuploidy leads to congenital heart defects remain largely
unknown, but are likely to involve the dysregulated expression of multiple genes.
The varied structural anomalies in congenital heart disease fall primarily into three major
- Malformations causing a left-to-right shunt
- Malformations causing a right-to-left shunt
- Malformations causing an obstruction.
What is a shunt?
A shunt is an abnormal communication between chambers or blood vessels.
Abnormal channels
permit the flow of blood down pressure gradients from the left (systemic) side to the right
(pulmonary) side of the circulation or vice versa
What is the cyanotic congenital heart disease?
When blood from the right side of the
circulation flows directly into the left side (right-to-left shunt), hypoxemia and cyanosis (a dusky
blueness of the skin and mucous membranes)resultbecause of the admixture of poorly
oxygenated venous blood with systemic arterial blood(calledcyanotic congenital heart
What are the most important congenital causes of R to L shunts?
The most important congenital causes of right-to-left shunts are:
- tetralogy of Fallot,
- transposition of the great arteries,
- persistent truncus arteriosus,
- tricuspid atresia, and
- total anomalous pulmonary venous connection.
Aside from R to L shunts what else can cause cyanosis?
Moreover, with right-to-left shunts, emboli arising in
peripheral veins can bypass the lungs and directly enter the systemic circulation (paradoxical
embolism); brain infarction and abscess are potential consequences.
What happens when there is severe, long-standing
Severe, long-standing
cyanosis also causes clubbing of the tips of the fingers and toes (called hypertrophic
osteoarthropathy) and polycythemia.
What is hypertrophic osteoarthropathy?
clubbing of the tips of the fingers and toes (called hypertrophic
In contrast, left-to-right shunts (such as ASD, VSD, and patent ductus arteriosus) increase
pulmonary blood flow and are initially associated with cyanosis.
T or F
In contrast, left-to-right shunts (such as ASD, VSD, and patent ductus arteriosus) increase
pulmonary blood flowandare not initially associated with cyanosis.
What happens when there is left to right shunt?
leftto-right shunts
- raise both flow volumes and pressures in the normally low-pressure,
- low-resistance pulmonary circulation, which can lead to right ventricular hypertrophy and
- atherosclerosis of the pulmonary
- vasculature.
In left to right shunt what response first?
The muscular pulmonary arteries (<1 mm diameter) first respond to increased
pressure and flow by undergoing medial hypertrophy and vasoconstriction,which maintains
relatively normal distal pulmonary capillary and venous pressures, andprevents pulmonary
Prolonged pulmonary arterial vasoconstriction, however, stimulates the proliferation of
the vascular wall cells and the consequent development of irreversible obstructive intimal
lesions analogous to the arteriolar changes seen in systemic hypertension ( Chapter 11 ).
Eventually, pulmonary vascular resistance approaches systemic levels, thereby producing a
new right-to-left shunt that introduces unoxygenated blood into the systemic circulation (late
cyanotic congenital heart disease, or Eisenmenger syndrome).
What is late
cyanotic congenital heart disease, or Eisenmenger syndrome ?
pulmonary vascular resistance approaches systemic levels, thereby producing a
new right-to-left shunt that introduces unoxygenated blood into the systemic circulation
Once irreversible pulmonary hypertension develops, the structural defects of congenital heart
disease are considered irreparable.
T or F
The secondary pulmonary vascular changes can
eventually lead to the patient’s death. This provides the rationale for early intervention, either
surgical or nonsurgical, in those with left-to-right shunts
What is the rationale for early intervention either surgical or nonsurgical, in those with left to right shunts?
The secondary pulmonary vascular changes can
eventually lead to the patient’s death.
This provides the rationale for early intervention, either
surgical or nonsurgical, in those with left-to-right shunts
Can developmental anomalies of the heart produce obstructive congenital disease?
T or F
Some developmental anomalies of the heart (e.g., coarctation of the aorta, aortic valvular stenosis, and pulmonary valvular stenosis) produce abnormal narrowing of chambers, valves,
or blood vessels and therefore are called obstructive congenital heart disease.
What is obstructive congenital heart disease?
- Some developmental anomalies of the heart (e.g., coarctation of the aorta, aortic valvular***
- stenosis, and pulmonary valvular stenosis*) produce abnormal narrowing of chambers, valves,
- *or blood vessels and therefore are called obstructive congenital heart disease.**
What is an atresia?
A complete
obstruction is called an atresia.
Is is possible to have a shunt and an obstruction?
In some disorders (e.g., Tetralogy of Fallot), an obstruction
(pulmonary stenosis) and a shunt (right-to-left through a VSD) are both present.
Can some defects induce a decrease in the volume and muscle mass of cardiac chamber?
T or F
The altered hemodynamics of congenital heart disease usually cause cardiac dilation or
hypertrophy (or both).
However, some defects induce a decrease in the volume and muscle mass of a cardiac chamber; this is called hypo-plasia if it occurs before birth and atrophy if it develops postnatally.