Chapter 1.2 Adjectives Flashcards
Translate “grand” into English.
large, great, big, wide, high, tall, broad, spacious, good, substantial, loud, noble, roomy, goodly, full grown
Translate “beau” to English.
beautiful, fine, nice, handsome, good, fair, pretty, good-looking, goodly, comely, beauteous, nice-looking, bonny, shapely, sightly, hunky-dory
❌(Fun fact : You can remember this word by remembering “beau” which is the prefix “beautiful”)
Translate “petit” into English.
small, little, short, petty, quiet, toy, remote
Translate “fort” into English.
Hint : Don’t pronounce the “t”
strong, hard, great, loud, large, heavy, big, intense, potent, stout, broad, stiff, fierce, hefty, generous, heroic, able-bodied, youthful, spanking, driving
❌(Fun Fact : Remember this — “strong like a fort”)
Translate “froid” into English.
Hint : Pronounce it “frwa”
cold, cool, chilly, frigid, unfriendly, bleak, distant, stony, dank, clammy, stand-offish
Translate “chaud” into English.
hot, warm, cozy, sultry
Translate “clair” into English.
clear, light, bright, plain, fair, lucid, thin, manifest, specific, unclouded, perspicuous, broad, pellucid, elucidatory, elucidative, plump, noticeable
❌(Fun fact : “Clair” sounds like “clear”)
Translate the French word “nouveau” into English.
new, further, novel, fresh, latest, young, ingoing
Translate the French adjective “heureux” into English.
happy, pleased, glad, fortunate, lucky, content, joyful, felicitous, merry, blest, fortuitous, gay, sunny, gleeful, palmy, in high spirits, high
Malheureux, -euse
Translate the French adjective “content” into English.
content, happy, glad, pleased, satisfied, contented, thankful, cheerful, joyful, joyous, merry, upbeat, flash, in high spirits, blithe, blithesome, debonair, carefree, gladdening, buoyant, bright
Translate “malade”
sick, ill, invalid, unwell, sickly, unhealthy, poor, poorly, stricken, unfit, peaky
Translate the French word “sympathique” into English.
friendly, sympathetic, nice, pleasant, likeable, congenial, likable, pleasing, companionable
What does the French word “doux” mean?
soft, sweet, mild, gentle, smooth, meek, tender, quiet, bland, genial, clement, silken
❌(Fun Fact : “Doux” also means “soft”)
Translate “dur” into English.
hard, tough, harsh, difficult, rough, severe, stiff, stern, bitter, callous, hard-boiled, stony, stale, laborious, steel, unfeeling, dour, inclement, hardheaded, biting, chilly, astringent, toughminded