chapter 12 Flashcards
V- shaped space that is formed on either side of a contact area is called?
which mandibular tooth has 5 cusps
permenant maxillary 1st molar
name the cusps of a man 1 st molar which is the smallest and which direction does it face?
D is the smallest and is on the bucal side and facial.
the area where the Mesial of one tooth touches the distal of the adjacent tooth is called?
contact area
a rounded depression on a occusal surface of a tooth is called ?
curvature that leans inward
name the roots on a maxiallary molar
three roots: MB,DB,L
IMPERFECT fusion of a developmental groove
which is the longest tooth in a permanent detition
maxillary canine
what is a linear depression on the occusal surfaceof a tooth
developmental groove
where would we find the cuso of carabeli ?
ML cusp of permenant maxically 1 molar
what is the deepest area called where two developmental grooves cross
which premolar is bifurcated
maxixally 1st premoalr
what are mamelons where are they located
rounded enamel extensions on the incisal ridge of the central and lateral incisors
what is a cingulum?
raised rounded area on the cervical third ligual surface of anterior teeth