chapter 12 Flashcards
brain death
final cessation of the bodily activity, used to determine when death actually occurs; circulatory and respiratory functions have irreversibly ceased, and the entire brain (including the brain stem) has irreversibly ceased to function
uniform determination of death act
a proposal that established uniform guidelines for determining when death has occured
a condition of deep stupor from which the patient cannot be roused by external stimuli
persistent vegetative state (PVS)
severe mental impairment characterized by irreversible cessation of the higher functions of the brain, most often caused by damage to the cerebral cortex
palliative care
treatment of a terminally ill patient’s symptoms to make dying more comfortable; also called comfort care
curative care
treatment directed toward curing a patient’s disease
a facility or program (often carried out in a patient’s home) in which teams of health care practitioners and volunteers provide a continuing environment that focuses on the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of the dying patient
terminally ill
referring to patients who are expected to die within six months
the study of death and of the psychological methods of coping with it
uniform rights of the terminally ill act
a 1989 recommendation of the national conference of commissioners on uniform state laws that all states construct laws to address advance directives
active euthanasia
a conscious medical act that results in the death of a dying person
passive euthanasia
the act of allowing a dying patient to die naturally, without medical interference
voluntary euthanasia
the act of ending a dying patient’s life by medical means with his or her permission
involuntary euthanasia
the act of ending a terminal patient’s life by medical means without his or her permission
patient self- determination act
a federal law passed in 1990 that requires hospitals and other health care providers to provide written information to patients regarding their rights under state law to make medical decisions and execute advance directives
living will
an advance directive that specifies an individual’s end- of- life wishes
durable power of attorney
an advance directive that confers upon a designee the authority to make a variety of legal decisions on behalf of the grantor, usually including health care decisions
health care proxy
a durable power of attorney issued for purposes of health care decisions only
do- not- resuscitate (DNR)
orders written at the request of patients or their authorized representatives that cardiopulmonary resuscitation not to be used to sustain life in a medical crisis
national organ transplant act
passed in 1984, a statute that provides grants to qualified organ procurement and transplantation network
uniform anatomical gift act
a recommendation of the national conference of commissioners on uniform state laws, that all states accepted, allowing individuals to donate their bodies or body parts, after death, for use in transplant surgery, tissue banks, or medical research or education