Chapter 12 Flashcards
paraphilia characterized by sexual arousal in men at the thought or fantasy of being a woman.
delayed ejaculation disorder
retarded ejaculation, or the inability to ejaculate following a normal sexual excitement phase.
desire phase
1st phase of the human sexual response, consisting of fantasies about sexual activity or a sense of desire to have sexual activity.
excitement (or arousal) phase
2nd phase of the human sexual response, in which there is generally a subjective sense of sexual pleasure and physiological changes, including penile erection in the male and vaginal lubrication and enlargement in the female.
exhibitionistic disorder
diagnosed in a person with recurrent, intense urges, fantasies, or behaviors that involve exposing his genitals to others (usually strangers) in inappropriate circumstances and without their consent.
female orgasmic disorder
persistent or recurring delay in, or absence of, orgasm after a normal sexual excitement phase.
female sexual interest/arousal disorder
sexual dysfunction involving an absence of sexual arousal and unresponsiveness to most or all forms of erotic stimulation.
sexual variant in which sexual interest centers on some inanimate object or non-sexual part of the body.
a term that refers to interest in rubbing, usually one’s pelvis or erect penis, against a non-consenting person for sexual gratification.
gender dysphoria
persistent discomfort about about one’s biological sex or the sense that the gender role of that sex is inappropriate.
genito-pelvic pain/ penetration disorder
recurring difficulties of vaginal penetration or pelvic pain during intercourse.
culturally prohibited sexual relations between family members, such as brother and sister or parent and child.
male erectile disorder
sexual dysfunction in which a male is unable to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for successful sexual gratification; formally known as impotence.
male hypoactive sexual desire disorder
sexual dysfunction in which a man shows little or no sexual drive or interest.
sexual stimulation and gratification from experiencing pain or degradation in relating to a lover.