Chapter 12 Flashcards
Luke 12:49-59
Knowing the time
‘reversed prompt’
The need to avoid hypocrisy, fear God, and confess Jesus
Luke 12:1-12
‘reversed prompt’
Knowing the time
Luke 12:49-59
Luke 12:1-12
The need to avoid hypocrisy, fear God, and confess Jesus
Luke 12:54-56
Reading the times like the weather
Luke 12:57-59
Settling accounts with the accuser
‘reversed prompt’
Knowing the nature of time: Israel turns away, but blessing still comes
Luke 12:49-14:24
‘reversed prompt’
Discipleship: Trusting God
Luke 12:1-48
‘reversed prompt’
Call to be ready and faithful stewards: parable of the faithful and unfaithful servants
Luke 12:35-48
Luke 12:49-53
Jesus as the cause of division
‘reversed prompt’
Parable of the rich fool
Luke 12:13-21
‘reversed prompt’
Call to avoid anxiety
Luke 12:22-34
Luke 12:13-21
Parable of the rich fool
Luke 12:22-34
Call to avoid anxiety
‘reversed prompt’
Settling accounts with the accuser
Luke 12:57-59
‘reversed prompt’
Jesus as the cause of division
Luke 12:49-53
‘reversed prompt’
Reading the times like the weather
Luke 12:54-56
Luke 12:49-14:24
Knowing the nature of time: Israel turns away, but blessing still comes
Luke 12:35-48
Call to be ready and faithful stewards: parable of the faithful and unfaithful servants
Luke 12:1-48
Discipleship: Trusting God