Chapter 12 Flashcards
The first responder to domestic terrorism
Beat police officer
Had been the brain child of Confederate calvary genius General Nathan Bedford Forest
The Ku Klux Klan
Domestic terrorists did not routinely target the United States until the _______.
Puerto Rican Nationalism
According to Brent Smith (1994), what is the factor separating the average criminal from the average terrorist?
Domestic terrorism
In a survey of U.S. law enforcement in the 1990s, more than ______ of the urban agencies reported left-wing activity.
1898 U.S. captured Puerto Rico; Common wealth status and they tried to assassinate President Truman
Puerto Rican Revolutionaries
Aryan Congress to draw the White supremacist together
Aryan Nation
A religion that incorporates the ancient Norse gods in a hierarchy under the Christian triune deity. It is similar to Odinism, but it does not completely abandon christianity.
Nordic Christianity
Vigilante terrorism, insurgent terrorism, and transnational (foreigners fighting on American soil) are typologies of ________ terrorism.
The movement is traditionally linked to white supremacists. It was also related to the militia movement of the 1980’s. African American groups like the Moorish nations can be classified as Sovereign citizens. They believe that they can declare themselves free of American citizenship as well as laws and taxes. They also tend to believe that there are two governments.
Sovereign Citizens
A movement started after the Branch Davidian standoff at Waco, Texas. It attempts to unite left-wing, right -wing, and single -issue extremists in a single movement.
Third Position
What novel inspired eco-terrorists?
The Monkey Wrench Gang
According to FBI classification, domestic terrorism involves
violent political extremism, single issue terrorism, and lone-wolf activities
According to the text, the first incident of anti-federal behavior in the U.S.
Whiskey Rebellion
In June 2006, Joint Terrorism Task force (JTTF) officers arrested a group of jihadist in Miami and Atlanta who were plotting to blow up the ________.
Sears Tower in Chicago
The _________ developed a general classification system of domestic terrorism in the late 1980s.
Monkey wrenching has become a key tactic of __________.
According to K.Stern (1996), a shift in the _________ orientation of the extremist right helped to rejuvenate their ranks.
ATF analysts believe that militias tend to be _______
In October 2003, la enforcement officers found small Cincinnati grocery stores raising millions of dollars for Hamas through _________.
Price fraud
Violent antiabortionist began with bombing and arson attacks_______
more than 20 years ago