chapter 12/13 ap vocab Flashcards
A market center for the exchange of services by people attracted from the surrounding area.
Central Place
A model that holds that the potential use of a service at a particular location is directly related to the number of people in a location and inversely related to the distance people must travel to reach the service.
Gravity Model
A major center for the provision of services in the global economy.
Global city
The area surrounding a central place from which people are attracted to use the place’s goods and services.
Market Area
An urban settlement with a total population in excess of 10 million people.
An urban settlement with a total population in excess of 20 million people
the largest settlement in a country, if it has more than twice as many people as the second-ranking settlement.
Primate City
A pattern of settlements in a country such that the largest settlement has more than twice as many people as the second-ranking settlement.
Primate City Rule
The maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service.
A pattern of settlements in a country such that the nth largest settlement is 1/n the population of the largest settlement.
Rank size rule
Any activity that fulfills a human want or need and returns money to those who provide it.
The minimum number of people needed to support a service.
An increase in the percentage of the number of people living in urban settlements.
The area of a city where retail and office activities are clustered.
Central Business District
A model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are spatially arranged in a series of rings.
\Concentric Zone Model
A node of office and retail activities on the edge of an urban area.
Edge City
A model of North American urban areas consisting of an inner city surrounded by large suburban residential and business areas tied together by a beltway or ring road.
Galatic Model
A process of converting an urban neighborhood from a predominantly low-income, renter-occupied area to a predominantly middle-class, owner-occupied area.
A continuous urban complex in the northeastern United States.
A model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are arranged around a collection of nodes of activities.
Multiple Nuciel Model
Government-owned housing rented to low-income people.
Public Housing
model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are arranged around a series of sectors, or wedges, radiating out from the central business district.
sector model
Legislation and regulations to limit suburban sprawl and preserve farmland.
Smart Growth
Development of new housing sites at relatively low density and at locations that are not contiguous to the existing built- up area.
A residential or commercial area situated within an urban area but outside the central city.