Chapter 11: Water Resources Flashcards
Vadose zone/zone of aeration
Unsaturated zone above the water tablle where water percolates down toward the groundwater
Phreatic zone/zone of saturation
Area beneath water table, where groundwater is located
Long Island aquifers (3)
- Upper Glacial (unconfined)
- Magothy (unconfined)
- Lloyd aquifer (confined)
Local (perched) water table
Localized water table that sits above a confining layer and above the actual water table
Artesian well
A well in which water is under pressure
Influence of artesian system and municipal water supply
Caused by over-pumping of groundwater
Cone of depression
Caused by drawdown
Saltwater intrusion
Occurs when freshwater near saltwater is overpumped
Ghyben-Herzberg equation
Equation for figuring the depth of the freshwater lense
Freshwater lense = x + 40x
x = distance from ground to water table
Hydraulic gradient
Slope of groundwater that influences the direction of movement of groundwater flow
Hydraulic conductivity
Permeability of material where groundwater is (the ability of water to flow through material)
Ground material’s ability to store water (i.e. its pore space)
Clay = highest porosity Sand = 2nd highest
Ability of water to move through ground material (faster movement of water means higher permeability)
Gravel = highest permeability
Gravel & sand = 2nd highest
Sand = 3rd highest
Darcy’s law
Describes the flow of water through a porous medium/flow of groundwater
Q = K(dh/dl)A
Discharge = hydraulic conductivity * slope * area
Units cubed