Chapter 11: Polymers and Composites Flashcards
Entangled long chain molecules (molecular spaghetti) with a high molecular weight (MW) that simulate the large molecules of nature that occur in plants and animals.
Polymer generalizations (3)
- Low density (1g/cm^3), float on water
- Easy to process
- Corrosion resistant
Analogous to a unit cell in a crystal, the smallest indivisible unit of a molecule that retains the structure and that can be repeated ad infinitum to produce a larger molecule. Many thousands of molecules (chains), of varying length (different number of mers) are bound together to form a bulk polymeric material.
Thermoplasts (thermoplastic polymers)
The largest class of polymers with a structure consisting of long covalently bonded chain molecules held together with secondary bonds. Because these bonds are weak, the materials melt at low temperatures. They are linear or branched polymers.
Thermoplasts examples (3)
polyethylene (PE), disposable grocery bags, polyvinylchloride (PVC)
Form primary bonds between the molecules so the whole structure is held together by a 3D network of primary covalent bonds. Once these polymers are set they cannot be melted, they are stronger and more stable than thermoplasts, but cannot be formed after setting and cannot be recycled. Network polymers that start out as branched mer units which are then crosslinked.
Thermosets example
Two part epoxy (a resin and a hardener). When mixed the hardener initiates the polymerization reaction to form a high density of crosslinks, or primary bonds.
Polymers that can elongate more than 100% and will recover their original length quickly and completely. Molecules are tacked together with primary bonds (a crosslink) and can uncoil on application of load but not slide permanently past one another. When the load is removed the molecules recoil to their low energy configuration. These polymers have very low stiffness.
Elastomers examples (3)
Elastic bands, hoses, conveyer belts
Molecular weight (MW) formula
MW = nM
n = degree of polymerization
M = molar mass
Molecular weight and strength
As the degree of polymerization increases, the molecular weight, tensile strength, stiffness and melting point increase; and the processibility decreases. This is caused by primarily chain entanglement, long chains interact more and become entangled, making it hard for the chains to move past one another when stressed.
Glass point (Tg)
Characteristic temperature of polymers below which molecular rearrangement is not possible.
Partial crosslinking of polymers to form elastomers.
The uncoiling and recoiling of polymers under load. There are no dislocations.
Effects of temperature on polymers
Below Tg, polymers are brittle, above Tg, polymers are viscoelastic.
Effects of time on polymers
As loading time increases, Tg decreases.
Crystallinity of thermoplasts
Some Thermoplast molecules are able to arrange their atoms so that a high percentage of regular, crystalline packing is achieved. Crystallinity is not complete as there are still amorphous regions.
Crystalline polymer packings
Higher density, strength, stiffness, melting point than amorphous regions. Scatter light at the interface making them more opaque.
Crystallization of polymers and side groups
The ability to crystallize depends on the regularity and size of the side groups, and is ideal with small, regular side groups so the chains can be arranged with regular secondary bonds. Polymers with bulky side groups can be crystalline if the side groups are arranged in a regular pattern.
Crystallinity of polymers and temperature
Crystallinity is enhanced in crystallizable polymers by the time spent at temperatures where “spherulites” form spontaneously (at temperatures below the melting point and above the glass point). It is enhanced by hot working strongly in one direction (e.g. extruding through a die).
Glass-rubber transition
For a semi-crystalline thermoplastic, only the amorphous phase experiences a glass-rubber transition, the crystalline phase melts.
Relaxation modulus formula
Er(t) = σ(t)/ε
Polymers compared to metals
Polymers are less stiff/strong, higher percentage of amorphous structure, decreasing temperature in a polymer (rubbery to glassy) is equivalent to increasing strain in a metal.
Mechanically mixed materials
Components of a composite (2)
Matrix and reinforcing component
Formed from melting/chemically combining elements.
Types of particle-reinforced composites (2)
Dispersion strengthened and large-particle
Dispersion strengthened composites
Tiny particles, usually 10-100 nm. Similar to precipitation strengthening.
Large-particle composites
Particles are too big to interact with dislocations, and uses continuum mechanics to model them instead (EX: Concrete).
Dispersion strengthening
Better high temperature stability than precipitates due to no coarsening or dissolution, however, it is expensive,
Portland cement
Mixed materials containing clay and limestone that needs to be bonded together with the right amount of water.
Components of Concrete (2)
Portland cement and aggregate
Portland cement heated to 1400°C
CaCO3 (s) → CaO(s) + CO2 (g)
Primary constituents of Portland cement (2)
Tricalcium silicate (3CaO-SiO2 ) and dicalcium silicate (2CaO-SiO2 ).
Hydration of Portland cement
2Cao-SiO2 + xH2O = 2CaO-SiO2-xH2O
Reinforced concrete
Concrete composite made by adding steel rebar to increase tensile and bending strength to prevent failure.
Rule of mixtures lower limit
Emix = E1V1+E2V2
Equivalent to resistors in series. kmix = V1k1+V2k2
Rule of mixtures upper limit
Equivalent to resistors in parallel. kmix = 1/(V1/k1 + V2/k2)
Critical fiber length formula
Ic = σd/2𝜏
d = fiber diameter
If l»lc, fibers are continuous. If l<lc, fibers are discontinuous.
Influences of fiber strength
- Length, short fibers can’t support applied loads.
- Orientation, fibers parallel to the longitudinal direction have a higher failure strength.
Sandwich composites
Lightweight and strong
Creation of carbon-carbon composites
- Embed carbon fiber in a polymer such as a phenolic or epoxy
- Pyrolyze the matrix: Convert it to carbon by heating in an inert atmosphere
- Heat treat to densify