Chapter 11 Personality Flashcards
Humanism (Carl Rogers)
Trait theories
What is personality?
An individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting
The psychoanalytic perspective
Sigmund Freud
Austrian neurologist
Developed the theory of psychoanalysis, a theory which a psychoanalyst helps to unpack a persons unconscious conflicts
Died by suicide at 83 after a battle with oral cancer
Freud’s theory of personality that attributes our thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts
Unconscious and conscious mind
Our unconscious mind is always in conflict with our conscious mind and this causes many of our problems
Freudian slips occur when something in the unconscious pops into the conscious
The unconscious
According to Freud, the unconscious is a reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes feelings and memories
Only about 10% of our behaviors are conscious
Most of what controls our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings is unknown to our conscious mind
The id
Operates on the “pleasure principle”
It aims toward pleasurable things and away from painful things.
It wants to satisfy biological drives-hunger, thirst, sex, etc.
The ego
Operates on the “reality principle”
It attempts to help the id get what it wants by judging the difference between real and imaginary.
Helps satisfy needs through reality.
The superego - the conscience
Includes moral ideas learned from family and society.
Gives us pride when doing something correct and feelings of guilt when we do something considered morally wrong.
It’s our moral barometer.
Psychosexual stages
The childhood stages of development during which the id’s pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones.
Psychosexual stages
Oral (0-18 months)
Pleasure centers on the mouth
Sucking, biting, chewing
Psychosexual stages
18-36 months
Pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination, coping with demands for control
Psychosexual stages
3-6 years
Pleasure zone is the genitals
Coping with incestuous sexual feelings
Psychosexual stages
6 to puberty
Dormant sexual feelings
Psychosexual stages
Puberty on
Maturation of sexual interests
Oedipus complex
A boys sexual desires towards his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father
Vice versa for girls
Healthy personality
Development requires a balance between the id and superego.
These two are naturally in conflict with each other,
The id tries to satisfy animal biological urges.
The superego preaches patience and restraint.
Strong id- rude,selfish,overbearing
Strong superego- constantly nervous, worried, and full of guilt and anxiety
Defense mechanisms
Egos protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality
Defense mechanisms
Basic defense mechanism
Anxiety arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories are banished from consciousness
Threatening thoughts/ideas are pushed aside
They make us nervous, so repression protects us from anxiety
Defense mechanisms
Primitive form of repression
Person refuses to accept reality or fact
They act as if a painful event, thought, or feeling does not exist
Used to avoid dealing with painful feelings or areas of life that don’t want to be addressed.
Defense mechanisms
Happens because of partial fixation in the psychosexual stages of development
Individual with anxiety retreats to a more infantile psychosexual stage, where some psychic energy remains fixated
Defense mechanisms
When people disguise their own threatening thoughts by attributing them to others
Defense mechanisms
Self justifying explanations are in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for ones actions
“After the fact” defense mechanism
Defense mechanisms
Redirecting anger toward a safer outlet
Defense mechanism that shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person.
Free association technique
A method of exploring the unconscious
Person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing
Projective testing
Rorschach’s ink blot
A test given in which the persons perceptions or inner feelings of ink blots are recorded and analyzed
Projective testing
Thematic apperception test
People express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes