Chapter 11- Measurement and Data Processing Flashcards
IHD (Index of Hydrogen Deficiency)
Is a measure of “How many molecules of H2” would be needed in ‘Theory’ to convert the molecule to the corresponding saturated, non-cyclic molecule.
What can the IHD be used to determine in a molecule?
The number of rings or multiple bonds (π bond)
What is the IHD number of a:
1) Double bond
2) Triple bond
3) Ring
4) Aromatic ring (Benzene)
1) 1 (1 degree of saturation)
2) 2 (2 degrees of saturation)
3) 1 (1 degree of saturation)
4) 4 (4 degrees of saturation)
The way in which the absorption or emission of electromagnetic radiation by substance varies w/ frequency
c (velocity of wave)=?
→ v = freq.
→ λ = wavelength
E (Energy of electromagnetic radiation) =?
→ h = Planck’s constant (6.626 x 10^-34 Js)
→ v = freq.
Radiowaves: what the energy does + Spectroscopy technique
+ Reverse Nuclear spin on certain atoms when in a strong magnetic field
+ NMR- spectroscopy
→ gives info. abt the chemical environment of atoms (usually H)
Microwaves: what the energy does + Spectroscopy technique
+ Rotates molecules
+ Gives info. on bond length
Infrared: what the energy does + Spectroscopy technique
+ Vibrates (stretches and bends) bonds in molecule
+ IR-spectroscopy
→ info. on bonds present
UV/Visible light: what the energy does + Spectroscopy technique
+ Cause electronic transitions in atoms and molecules
+ UV-vis-spectroscopy
→ info. abt electronic energy levels
X-rays: what the energy does + Spectroscopy technique
+ Produce diffraction patterns as their λ is similar to inter-atomic distances.
+ X-ray crystallography
→ info. on bond lengths and angles
What does too much exposure to the electromagnetic radiations do to make them harmful?
Initiates reactions by ionising atoms and breakig chemical bonds
IR-spectroscopy: what does the infrared wave of light do?
Excite a molecule to a higher vibrational level
What graph does IR-spec produce?
+ transmission against freq. (often expressed as wavenumber= 1/λ) when infrared is passed through the sample
What does the absorption in a particular freq. range indicate?
The presence of bonds in a molecule
Each bonds vibrate at a particular freq. depending on what?
Strength of the bond and masses of the atom
Light atoms vibrate at a?
Higher freq. than heavier atoms
Multiple bonds vibrate at a?
Higher freq. than single bonds
What are the 2 types of vibration possible in IR-spec?
Stretching and bending
Only what kinds of molecules will absorb IR radiation?
Vibrational molecules that result in a change of DIPOLE moment (polarity) of a molecule.
→ O=O and H-H = DON’T absorb IR = cuz non-polar even on stretching (dipole moment = 0)