any form of paid nonpersonal communication used by an identified sponsor to persuade or inform potential buyers about a product
Behavioral Segmentation
a segmentation strategy that uses behavioral variables to identify different market segments
Behavioral Variables
behavioral patterns displayed by groups of consumers and that are used in developing a segmentation strategy
Brand Competition
competitive marketing that appeals to consumer perceptions of benefits of products offered by particular companies
Brand Loyalty
pattern of repeated consumer purchasing based on satisfaction with a product’s performance
Competitive Environment
the competitive system in which businesses compete
Consumer Behavior
study of the decision process by which people buy and consume products
Consumer Goods
physical products purchased by consumers for personal use
Corporate Blogs
comments and opinions published on the web by or for an organization to promote its activities
Cultural Influences
include culture, subculture, and social influences that marketers use to study buying behavior
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
organized methods that a firm uses to build better information connections with clients, so that stronger company-client relationships are developed
Data Mining
the application of electronic technologies for searching, sifting, and reorganizing pools of data to uncover useful info
Data Warehousing
the collection, storage, and retrieval of data in electronic files
Demographic Segmentation
a segmentation strategy that uses demographic characteristics to identify different market segments
Demographic Variables
characteristics of populations that may be considered in developing a segmentation strategy
Economic Environment
relevant conditions that exist in the economic system in which a company operates
Emotional Motives
reasons for purchasing a product that are based on nonobjective factors
Evoked Set (or consideration set)
group of products consumers will consider buying as a result of information search
research method using a sample of potential consumers to obtain reactions to test versions of new products or variations of existing products
Focus Group
research method using a group of people from a larger population who are asked their attitudes, opinions, and beliefs about a product in an open discussion
Form Utility
providing products with features that customers want
Geographic Segmentation
geographic units, from countries to neighborhoods, that may be considered in identifying different market segments in a segmentation strategy
Geographic Variables
geographic units that may be considered in developing a segmentation strategy
Geo-Demographic Segmentation
using a combination of geographic and demographic traits for identifying different market segments in a segmentation strategy
Geo-Demographic Variables
combination of geographic and demographic traits used in developing a segmentation strategy
Industrial Goods
physical products purchased by companies to produce other products
Industrial Market
organizational market consisting of firms that buy goods that are either converted into products or used during production
Institutional Market
organizational market consisting of such nongovernmental buyers of goods and services as hospitals, churches, museums, and charitable organizations
Integrated Market Strategy
strategy that blends together the Four Ps of marketing to ensure their compatibility with one another and with the company’s nonmarketing activities