Chapter 11 - Learning Objectives & Key Terms Flashcards
The transfer to another of any property in possession or in action, or of any estate or right therein. A transfer by a person of that person’s rights under a contract.
One who is authorized to perform specific acts for another under a power of attorney.
Bilateral Contract
A contract in which each party promises to do something.
A party to a contract who possesses the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract.
An agreement between two or more competent parties to do, or not do, a specified legal act for a legal consideration.
Culpable Negligence
Inadequate performance of responsibilities by those who know, or should know what is expected of them.
Exclusive Agency Listing
A listing agreement employing a broker as the sole agent for the seller of real property under the terms of which the broker is entitled to a commission if the property is sold through any other broker, but not if a sale is negotiated by the owner without the services of an agent.
Exclusive-Right-of-Sale Listing
A listing agreement employing a broker to act as agent for the seller of real property under the terms of which the broker is entitled to a commission if the property is sold during the duration of the listing through another broker or by the owner without the services of an agent.
Intentionally deceiving or misrepresenting a material fact.
Liquidated Damages
A sum agreed upon by the parties to be full damages if a certain event occurs.
Meeting of The Minds
The point when two parties, thinking the same thing, reach an agreement through an offer and acceptance.
Net Listing
A listing which provides that the agent may retain as compensation for agent’s services all sums received over and above a net price to the owner.
The substitution or exchange of a new obligation or contract for an old one by the mutual agreement of the parties.
Open Listing
An authorization given by a property owner to a real estate agent wherein said agent is given the nonexclusive right to secure a purchaser; open listings may be given to any number of agents without liability to compensate any except the one who first secures a buyer ready, willing, and able to meet the terms of the listing, or secures the acceptance by the seller of a satisfactory offer.
Option Contract
An agreement for a specified period of time to honor an offer to sell or lease real property.
Statute Of Frauds
A state law, based on an old English statute, requiring certain contracts to be in writing and signed before they will be enforceable at law, e.g., contracts for the sale of real property, contracts that are not performed within one year.
Statute of Limitations
A statute prescribing a period of limitations for the bringing of certain kinds of legal actions.
Something that was valid when made but either cannot be proved or will not be upheld by a court.
Unilateral Contract
A contract in which one party promises to do something if the other party performs a certain act, but the other party does not promise to perform it; the contract is formed only if the other party does perform the requested act.
Valid Contract
A legally binding or enforceable contract containing the four essential elements: competent parties, mutual assent, legal purpose, consideration.
Void Contract
A contract that is unenforceable.
Voidable Contract
A contract which is capable of being adjudged void, but is not void unless action is taken to make it so.