Chapter 11: Large Scale Systems and Overlay Routing Flashcards
Large‐scale storage applications: Web indexing (Google), Web archives, Motivation and Goals
Web indexing:
- Goal: Index the entire Web
- Estimate: Google has 250,000‐node cluster!
- Worldwide & massively distributed
- Organized as datacenters of clusters (racks upon racks)
Web archives:
- Goal: Make and archive a daily checkpoint of the Web
- Estimates
- Web is about 57 Tbyte, compressed HTML+img
- New data per day: 580 Gbyte
- ~1000 Tbyte per year with 5 replicas (just for new data)
- Design
- 10,000 nodes: 100 Gbyte disk each (today: Maybe ~4 TB each)
Client server limitations
- Scalability is expensive
- Presents a single point of failure
- Requires administration
- Unused resources at the network edge
- P2P systems try to address these limitations and leverage (otherwise) unused resources
P2P computing
- P2P computing is the sharing of computer resources and services by direct exchange between systems.
- These resources and services include the exchange of data, processing cycles, cache storage, and disk storage for files.
- P2P computing takes advantage of existing computing power, computer storage and networking connectivity, allowing users to leverage their collective power to the ‘benefit’ of all.
What is a P2P system?
- A distributed system architecture
- No centralized control
- Nodes are symmetric in function
- Larger number of unreliable nodes
- Enabled by technology improvements
P2P architecture
- All nodes are both clients and servers Node
- Provide and consume
- Any node can initiate a connection
No centralized data source
- “The ultimate form of democracy on the Internet”
- “The ultimate threat to copyright protection on the Internet”
- In practice, hybrid models are popular
- Combination of client‐ server & peer‐to‐peer
- E.g., Skype (early days, now unknown) Spotify
P2P benefits
Efficient use of resources
- Unused bandwidth, storage, processing power at the edge of the network
- Consumers of resources also donate resources
Aggregate resources grow naturally with utilization
- Organic scaling
- Infrastructure‐less scaling
Caveat: It is not a one size fits all
- Large companies are not switching to p2p
Reliability (in aggregate)
- Replicas
- Redundancy
- Geographic distribution
- No single point of failure
Ease of administration
- Nodes self‐organize
- No need to deploy servers to satisfy demand
- Built‐in fault‐tolerance, replication, and load balancing
Popular P2P systems (first generation)
- Unstructured p2p systems: Napster, Gnutella, FastTrack, Freenet, eDonkey, BitTorrent
- Large‐scalesharingoffiles
- User A makes files (music, video, etc.) on their computer available to others
- User B connects to the network, searches for files and downloads files directly from User A
- Issues of copyright infringement
Napster: June’1999‐July’2001
- A way to share (music) files with others (maybe the first)
- Users upload their list of files to Napster server
- Users send queries to Napster server for files of interest
- Keyword search (artist, song, album, bit rate, etc.)
- Napster server replies with IP address of users with matching files
- Querying users connect directly to file providing user for download

Gnutella: 2000 – today
- Share any type of files (not just music)
- Decentralized search, unlike Napster
- Ask neighbors for files of interest
Neighbors ask their neighbors, and so on
- TTL field quenches messages after a number of hops
- Users with matching files reply to you, since 2000
- Goals by founder: “Providing freedom of speech with strong anonymity protection.”
- Protects anonymity of participants
- Platform for censorship‐resistant communication
- Decentralized, highly survivable, distributed cache (blogs, pages, files, etc.)
- Fully peer‐to‐peer, no dedicated clients or servers
- Only enables access to information, previously inserted (it is not a Web proxy)
- Every node contributes a configurable amount of storage
- Not possible for a node to rate another node (except on insert/retrieve capacity)

Freenet Anonymity requirement & implications
- Anonymity for information upload & download
- Source does not remain on the network after upload
- Files are broken into encrypted blocks and are redundantly stored across network
- For download, blocks are found and reassembled
- Node requesting a datum does not connect directly to node that has datum
- Datum routed across intermediaries, none of which know request originator or location
- Higher bandwidth use required, slower transfers
Freenet Key disadvantage of storage model
- No one node is responsible for any block of data
- If data is not retrieved for some time, old data might be dropped, if space is exceeded by newly arriving data
- Therefore, Freenet tends to‘forget’ data, not retrieved regularly
- There is no way to delete data (unless it is “forgotten”)
Comparison of file sharing networks
Napster (centralized)
- Bottleneck (scalability, failure, denial of service)
- Correct search results (centralized search)
Gnutella (distributed)
- No central bottleneck, but large cost due to flooding query
- No guarantee on search results
Freenet (distributed)
- Anonymity
- Less efficient data transfer
- No guarantee on search result
Structured peer‐to‐peer systems
- Second generation peer‐to‐peer overlay networks
- Self‐organizing, load balanced, fault‐tolerant
- Guarantees on numbers of hops to answer a query
Based on a (distributed) hash table interface
- Put(Key, Data)
- Get(Key)
- Systems: Chord, CAN, Pastry, etc.
Distributed hash tables (DHT)
- Distributed version of a hash table data structure
Store and retrieve (key, value)‐pairs
- Key is like a filename, hash of name, hash of content (since name could change)
- Value is file content

A DHT has a simple interface
Put (key, value) and get(key) value
- Simple interface!
API supports a wide range of applications
- DHT imposes neither structure nor meaning on keys
Key‐value pairs are persisted and globally available
- Can store keys in other DHT values
- Thus, build complex data structures
A DHT makes a good shared infrastructure
- Many applications can share single DHT service
- Eases deployment of new applications
- Pools resources from many participants
- Essentially, a middleware service
DHT‐based projects
- File sharing [CFS, OceanStore, PAST, Ivy, …]
- Web cache [Squirrel, ..]
- Archival/Backup store [HiveNet,Mojo,Pastiche]
- Censor‐resistant stores [Eternity, FreeNet,..]
- DB query and indexing [PIER, …]
- Event notification [Scribe]
- Naming systems [ChordDNS, Twine, ..]
- Communication primitives [I3, …]
- Plethora of key‐value stores [BigTable, Dynamo, PNUTS, …]
- Common denominator:
- • Data is location‐independent • All leverage DHT abstraction
CFS: Cooperative file sharing
- DHT is a robust block store
- Client of DHT implements file system
- Read‐only: CFS, PAST
- Read‐write: OceanStore, Ivy
DHT desirable properties
- Keys mapped evenly to all nodes in the network
- Node arrival & departures only affect a few nodes
- Each node maintains information about only a few other nodes
- Messages can be routed to a node efficiently
Chord identifier circle
- Nodes organized in an identifier circle based on node identifiers
- Keys assigned to their successor node in the identifier circle
- Hash function ensures even distribution of nodes and keys on the circle
- Cf. consistent hashing
- With N nodes and K keys each node is responsible for roughly K/N keys

CHORD Node joins & leaves
- Successor (or predecessor) node may disappear from the network (e.g., failure, departure)
- Each node records a whole segment of the circle adjacent to it, i.e., nodes preceding and following it
- With high probability a node is able to correctly locate its successor or predecessor (even under high node failure)
- When a new node joins or leaves the network, responsibility for O(K/N) keys changes hands.
Searching in Chord
- With success or knowledge of nodes, a linear search over network could locate a particular key (naïve search)
- Any given message may potentially have to be relayed through most of the network
Faster search method requires each node to keep a “finger table” containing up to m entries
- i‐th entry of node n contains the address of successor((n + 2i‐1) mod 2m)
- number of nodes that must be contacted to find a successor in an n‐node network is O(log n)
Chord key location
- Lookup in finger table the furthest node that precedes key
- Query homes in on target in O(log n) hops
- Each hop at least halves distance to destination

CAN: Content addressable network
- CAN is designed to be scalable, fault tolerant and self‐organizing
- Design is based on virtual multi‐dimensional Cartesian coordinate space to organize overlay
- Nodes are layered on a multi‐torus (i.e., coordinates at edges wrap around)
- d‐dimensional coordinate space is a virtual logical address space
- Nodes map to points in space
- Address space is independent of physical location and physical connectivity of nodes
- Keys map to points in space
- Points in the space are identified with coordinates
- A hash function is used for this mapping
CAN principles
- Entire coordinate space is dynamically partitioned among all nodes in system
- Each node owns a distinct zone in the space
- Each key hashes to a point in the space

CAN routing
- Put(key, data), get(key)
- Greedily forward message to neighbor closest to destination in Cartesian coordinate space
- Nodes maintain a routing table that holds IP address and zone of its neighbours
Node joining a CAN
- Find a node already in the overlay network
Identify a zone that can be split
- Pick random point
- Route join request to node managing the point’s zone
- Initiate split of zone at that node
- Update routing tables of nodes neighbouring the newly split zone
DHT routing summary
Finger table routing
- Each hop at least halves distance (in identifier circle) to destination
Finger table routing
Neighbour routing
- Forward to neighbor that is closest (in Cartesian coordinate space) to destination
Neighbour routing
Prefix routing
- Each hop matches destination identifier by at least one more digit
Prefix routing
Peer‐to‐peer systems review
- Two key functions of P2P systems
- Sharing content
- Finding content
- Sharing content
- Direct transfer between peers
- Structured vs. unstructured placement of data
- Automatic replication of data
- Finding content
- Centralized (Napster)
- Decentralized (Gnutella)
- Guarantee bounds (DHTs)