Chapter 11 - fundamental organic chem Flashcards
And mnemonic
My elephant prefers buttered peanuts hot
Meth- 1 carbon Eth- 2 carbons Prop- 3 carbons But- 4 carbons Pent- 5 carbons Etc.
Aliphatic molecules
Alicyclic molecules
Aromantic molecules
Carbon atoms joined in chains
- no rings
Carbons joined in a ring
Contains a benzene ring
General formulae for
What are
Alkanes have only single bonds between carbons
Alkenes have at least one carbon- carbon double bond
Alkynes have at least one carbon-carbon triple bond
Functional groups and names
C=C -ene
C_= C triple bond -yne
-OH “-ol”
Functional group and names Haloalkane Aldehyde Ketone Carboxylic acid
-Cl/Br/F etc. -chloro/bromo etc.
C- H -al
O || C-C-C -one
C-O-H -oic acid
Molecular formula
Shows how many of each type of atom are in a compound
Empirical formula
Simplest whole number ratio of atoms of different types in a molecule
General formula
Algebraic formula showing the trend in ratio of atoms for a homologous series
Structural formula (3 types)
Displayed H | H-C-H | H
Written e.g. CH3CH2CH3
Skeletal e.g.
Structural isomerism and how to tell if something is an isomer
“Structural isomers are molecules with the same molecular formula but different structural formula”
If it has the same name then it is not an isomer
when does fission take place
when a covalent bond is broken
what is the difference between homolytic fission and heterolytic fission
in homolytic fission each atom takes one of the shared electrons to form two radicals
in heterolytic fission one atom takes both bonded electrons to form two oppositely charged ions
what is a radical
a radical is a species with an unpaired electron
what does a curly arrow represent (different types)
the movement of electrons
half an arrow head = one electron
full arrow head = 2 electrons (pair)
what happens in addition reactions
2 reactants form one product
what happens in substitution reactions
an atom or group of atoms is replaced by another atom or group of atoms
what happens in elimination reactions
the removal of a smaller molecule/atom from a larger one
what is a hydrocarbon
A hydrocarbon is a compound containing only hydrogen and carbon atoms.
difference between saturated and unsaturated molecules
a saturated compound contains only single bonds
an unsaturated compound contains double or triple bonds
what is a homologous series
a series of organic compounds having the same functional group and similar chemical properties where each successive member differs by a CH2 group
what is a sigma bond
the overlap of orbitals (usually s orbitals) between adjacent atoms to form a shared pair of electrons with an electrostatic attraction to the nuclei of the bonded atoms
what is a pi bond
the sideways overlap of p orbitals between adjacent atoms to form a shared pair of electrons with an electrostatic attraction to the nuclei of the bonded atoms