Chapter 11: easements, profits +licenses Flashcards
Easement is the right of one person o make limited use of the land of another(easements run w/ the land)
Dominant Estate
Benefits from the easement.
Servient Estate
Burdened by the Easements
Positive Easement/Affirmative Easement
allows the easement owner to do affirmative acts on the land of another.
Negative Easement
Is forbidding a land owner from an action his own land, through an easement, that he otherwise had the right to do.
Easements Appurtenant
(has 2 parcels; Dominant estate and servient estate)
Benefits not an individual but the ESTATE ITSELF; due to the nature or locus of the estate, the easement is needed
Easement in gross
which personally benefits a person(who may not own any land himself) not a dominant estate, just a servant estate
Easement by prescription
Is an easement acquired through adverse possession, with one difference, it deals w/ possession instead of use
Termination of easement
can’t terminate from misuse, ONLY when you cant separate prior use to misuse
the right of one person to go onto the land of another and take either some part/product of the land
A revocable personal privilege to perform an act on another individuals land
3 ways to terminate easement
1.)Abandonment- no longer use the easement
2.)By terms of the Easement- if an easement is given for a term of years, then the easement will expire when the term ends.
3.)Merger of the dominant + servant estate-Thus, if the owner of the dominant estate purchases the servient estate, the easement ends (and it is not revived if the owner subsequently sells the servient estate)