Chapter 11 - Duty to Others Flashcards
Who is the lawyer’s first duty to?
The client
The lawyer’s duties to the Law Society include obligations to: (5)
- Respond promptly and completely to the Law Society
- Assist Law Society in preventing unauthorized practice of law or provision of legal services;
- Obtain the Law Society’s permission to work with or employ a person who is no longer authorized to practise law or provide legal services;
- Cease practising law when license is suspended or otherwise restricted by Law Society or lawyer’s undertaking
- Submit to disciplinary authority of the Law Society
A lawyer who suspects that an unauthorized individual is practising law or providing legal services is obliged to advise the Law Society
A lawyer is obliged to advice Law Society if lawyer learns that a paralegal is providing legal services outside permitted scope of practice
A lawyer whose license has been suspended doesn’t have to disclose their status to existing clients but they do have to tell prospective clients
A lawyer whos been suspended, regardless of reason, has specific obligations to disclose the lawyer’s suspended status to prospective, existing, and former clients and to engage another lawyer to complete certain tasks related to any existing client files.
What section of the Act regulation professional misconduct or conduct unbecoming o f a barrister or solicitor
S. 33 of the Act
Define professional misconduct
Conduct by a lawyer in the lawyer’s professional capacity that tends to bring discredit upon the legal profession
Define: Conduct unbecoming a barrister or solicitor
Conduct, including conduct in a lawyer’s personal private capacity that tends to bring discredit upon the legal profession
What are some examples of conduct unbecoming a barrister or solicitor
- Committing criminal act going against honest, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer
- Taking improper advantage of youth, inexperience, lack of education, unsophistication, ill health, unbusinesslike habits of another
- Engaging in conduct involving dishonesty or conduct that undermines administration of justice.
Generally, where a lawyer’s conduct in a private or personal capacity does not bring into question the lawyer’s professional integrity, will Law Society review the conduct?
NO, however, if a client’s awareness of lawyer’s conduct would likely impair the client’s trust in the lawyer, the Law Society may be justified in taking disciplinary action whether the conduct occurred in lawyer’s professional or personal sphere.
Duties to the professions specifically outline in the Rules include the lawyer’s obligation to do what 4 things
- Report lawyer or paralegal misconduct
- Encourage clients to report lawyer or paralegal misconduct
- Report criminal charges or convictions; and
- Report errors and omissions
Why is detecting and preventing professional misconduct at an early stage important? (2)
It reduces the risk to clients and prevents damage to the reputation of the legal profession.
If you’re not sure whether to report certain conduct, what should you do?
As a lawyer I should consider seeking the advice of the Law Society by contacting Practice Management Helpline either directly or indirectly
If the client refuses to report dishonest conduct to Law Society and wants to pursue private remedies, what must the lawyer do?
There’s 4 things lawyer must do that’s on 73L
- Inform client about LSO’s Compensation Fund
- Get client’s written instructions to proceed with client’s claim w/o notice to Law Society
- Inform client of provision sof CC s.141
- If client wants to pursue private agreement with apparently dishonest lawyer withdraw from representation
All licensees have a duty to report themselves to the Law Society if charges have been laid against them.
True, they must send written notification to the Law Society
Lawyer’s not don’t have to inform the LSO about the final result of any charge that is an indictable offence.
Lawyers must inform LSO in writing of the decision + final result of any indictable offence as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving notice + report outcome of charge as soon as reasonably practicable
If the offence you’re being charged with is being pursued by private prosecution and the charge against yolu is under. s.504 other than info referred to in 507(1), you only are required to do what
Inform the LSO of the charge and of its outcome if the charge results in a finding of guilt or conviction
When are you required to report another licensee involved in criminal activity
Report them if it’s related to their practice such that it may seriously prejudice the other licensee’s clients
When a lawyer discovers an error omission, the lawyer has additional duties to the Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company (LawPRO)
As a lawyer you have the obligation to behave with ____ and ____
Courtesy and civility
A lawyer may approach, communicate or deal directly with a person who is receiving legal services from another legal practitioner under a ___________ retainer without the consent of the legal practitioner
Limited scope retainer
Financial obligations
Unless what is a lawyer required to meet all financial obligations incurred on behalf of client during course of practise
As a lawyer, you must promptly meet all financial obligations unless you clearly indicate in writing to the person to whom it’s to be owed that it is not a personal obligation.
Duty to uphold the integrity of the profession
Duty to uphold the integrity of profession applies when lawyer engages in activities related to:
- Outside interests
- Public office
- Public appearance statements
- Multi-discipline practises
Before making a statement to the public or media, lawyer must be satisfied that doing so is in ________
the client’s best interest
Lawyers MUST encourage public respect for the justice system , avoid making critical remarks and encourage public respect
Acting as a mediator
What’s the role of a mediator?
The role of a mediator is to facilitate agreement between the parties and parties must understand that communications are not covered by confidentiality or lawyer-client privilege.