Chapter 11 - Cultural Values Flashcards
How does culture effect consumer behaviour?
culture can guide consumers for example chunky soup emphasizes saving time and can appeal to a group that likes to save time.
What are the levels of cultural norms?
Supranational - big picture, types of culture that effect multiple societies, and many countries
National - core values of a “national character” of a particular country
Group - subdivisions of country or society (subcultures and reference group influences)
What are three forms of learning discussed?
Formal learning - takes place when parents, older siblings and other family members teach younger members “how to behave”
Informal learning - when children imitate the behaviours of selected other such as family, friends, or tv characters.
Technical learning - when teachers instruct children in educational environments
What is the difference between enculturation and acculturation?
Enculturation is learning one’s own culture (consumer socialization, encase in for example what you would wear to a wedding)
Acculturation is learning a new culture (a different or foreign culture, acquiring a new culture or learning about it through travel)
What are the two things symbols can be?
Verbal - words or text in an ad
Nonverbal - figures, colours, shapes and textures that appear in ads. They are also the product, promotion, price and stores at which a product is available
What is a ritual? What are some examples of ritual artifacts?
A type of symbolic activity consisting of a series of steps (multiple behaviours) occurring in a fixed sequence and repeated periodically
Some ritual artifacts would be weddings, graduations, birthdays, death, starting a new job etc.
What are some ways cultural values can be measured?
Content analysis (analyzes societies’ verbal, written, and pictorial communications)
Field observation (observing daily behaviour)
Depth interviews
Focus groups
What is an example of a structured and self-administered value survey? What are the categories this survey is broken into?
Rokeach Value Survey - respondents are asked how important each value is to them as a guiding principle in their lives. Broken into two categories:
18 Terminal values - goals and desirable states of existence defined as ends. Focus on personal aspects (comfortable, exciting life) and social values (world peace, national security)
18 Instrumental values - means to achieve ends. Focus on competence (ambitious, intellectual, responsible) and moral (forgiving, helpful, polite) values
What is the criteria to select core values? What are some examples of core values?
The value must be:
- Persuasive
-related to consumer behaviour
ex. achievement and success, time and activity, materialism, fitness and health, youthfulness, progress
What is humanitarianism? What benefits this group receives?
Generosity and a willingness to help. They receive: belongingness, trusting, social-practical innovation and prestige
What are the three types of green consumers?
Environmental activists - change lifestyle to be more sustainable for them an society
Organic Eaters - sustainability for their own heath, for example eating organic
Economizers - buy ecofriendly products when it saves them money