Chapter 11 - Cell Communication Flashcards
The three steps in cell communication
1) Signal reception
2) Signal transduction
3) Cellular response
__________ are converted to responses within the cell
External signals…
Cells _____, ____, and ___ to signals
receive, send, and respond
Definition of Epinephrine (adrenaline)
A hormone secreted by the brain into the blood that stimulates the breakdown of stored polysaccharide glycogen within liver cells & skeletal muscle
Cells in a multicellular organism communicate via ____ targeted for cells that may or may not be adjacent
…signaling molecules…
Local signaling
animal cells communicate by direct contact (w/ cell junctions & cell-surface molecules)
Many animal and plant cells have cell junctions that ____ ____ to the cytoplasm’s/adjacent cells
directly connect
Plasmodesmata definition
Channels that connect plant cells and water & small solutes (and proteins & RNA) pass from cell to cell
Gap junctions provide ___ ___ btwn adjacent cells
cytoplasmic channels
Paracrine signaling
Another method animal cells use to communicate.
- uses secreted messenger molecules that travel only short distances
- ex: Growth factors (stimulate nearby target cells to grow & divide)
Synaptic signaling definition
- neurotransmitters released in response to electric signal
- occurs in animal nervous system
Long distance signaling
Uses hormones (plants & animals)
In ___ ___ (in animals) specialized cells release hormones, which travel to target cells via the circulatory system (bloodstream)
…endocrine signaling…
The ability of a cell to respond to a signal depends on whether it has a ___________
…receptor specific to that signal
3 stages of cell signaling
-Reception, transduction, and response
-A series of steps by which a signal on a cell’s surface is converted into a specific cellular response