Chapter 11: Catastrophe Models Flashcards
Catastrophe models
incorporate knowledge of: - seismology - meteorology - hydrodynamics - structural and geotechnical engineering to build a model.
5 inter-linked modules of a catastrophe model
- event
- hazard
- inventory
- vulnerability
- financial analysis
Perils modelled with catastrophe models can include, e.g. (8)
- tropical and extra-tropical cyclones
- tornadoes
- earthquakes
- hailstorms
- winter storms
- floods
- disease
- terrorism
Actuaries use catastrophe models to help with (5)
- aggregate modelling
- pricing
- capital allocation and assessment
- reinsurance purchase
- reserving
Catastrophe models need to allow for (4)
- frequency and severity trends
- approximations where necessary, for mathematical tractability
- data quality and quantity
- unmodelled events
4 Reasons why catastrophe models have become increasingly sophisticated with each successive iteration
- advances in computer hardware
- additional catastrophe events with more detailed exposure and loss data
- a greater number of accurate measurements of the physical characteristics of events
- greater transparency and co-operation between the insurance industry and experts in other fields such as seismologists, meteorologists, meteorologists and civil engineers.
The study of earthquakes and their effects, e.g. tsunamis
The study of the atmosphere, and weather in particular
The study of liquids in motion
Event module
A database of stochastic events with each event defined by its physical parameters, location and annual frequency of occurrence.
Hazard module
The module determines the hazard of each event at each location.
The hazard is the consequence of the event that causes damage.
E.g. in the case of a hurricane, wind speed is the primary cause of damage;
for an earthquake, it is ground shaking
Inventory (or exposure) module
A detailed exposure database of the insured systems and structures.
As well as location this will include further details such as age, occupancy, construction and number of storeys.
The model may also allow the user to put in more detailed information about a structure, such as information on roof anchors in hurricane models, or the presence of soft storeys in earthquake models.
The inventory module also contains the values of the buildings and contents that are to be insured. It is important to distinguish between these values and the insured limits.
Vulnerability module
Vulnerability can be defined as the degree of loss to a particular system or structure resulting from exposure to a given (level of) hazard.
The vulnerability module produces the modelled loss based on the values of the buildings and contents that are to be insured, not the actual insured limits.
It also models the loss arising from loss of use or business interruption arising from physical damage at the insured location.
These modelled losses are described as “ground-up losses”.
Financial analysis module
Uses a database of policy conditions (limits excess sublimits, coverage terms, etc.) to translate the total ground-up loss into a gross insured loss.
This module may also apply various types of reinsurance purchased to protect the portfolio.
Typically any facultative, risk excess of loss or proportional cover that insures to benefit the catastrophe excess of loss reinsurance is applied first, and then the catastrophe excess of loss is applied separately.
The financial analysis module allows the user to view the modelled losses from each of (4) perspectives
- ground up
- gross of all reinsurance
- net of facultative, risk excess of loss and proportional reinsurance but before applying the catastrophe excess of loss reinsurance
- net of all reinsurance
2 Categories of catastrophe models
- Aggregate models
- Detailed models
Aggregate catastrophe models
Here, detailed information on the exposed risks is not known.
Instead, aggregate exposures in an area are used in conjunction with industry average losses to estimate the likely losses.
This works well as long as the actual risks insured are representative of industry averages, for example, in terms of size and construction.
Detailed catastrophe models
Here, individual insured risk information is used and the likely loss for each insured risk is calculated, before summing to get the aggregate losses.
The primary factors to consider when deciding whether to use an aggregate model or a detailed model are cost and time.
Secondary uncertainty
Uncertainty about the exact amount of insured loss that a given event will cause, as opposed to uncertainty about which events will happen.
Which natural catastrophe perils are explicitly modelled under the South African SAM catastrophe module?
Hail and Earthquake perils at a 1 in 200 year return period.
3 windstorms typically considered separately by catastrophe models
- tropical cyclones (including tropical storms, hurricanes and typhoons)
- tornadoes
- so-called “straight line” wind, such as the windstorms typically seen in Europe
Tropical cyclones
Storm systems characterised by a large low-pressure centre and numerous thunderstorms that produce strong winds and heavy rain.
5 Categories of hurricanes
according to the Saffir-Simpson scale
1: 74-95 mph winds (some damage)
2: 96-110 mph winds (dangerous, extensive damage)
3: 111-130 mph winds (devastating damage)
4: 131-155 mph winds (catastrophic damage)
5: > 155 mph winds (hurricane Andrew - 1992)
6 Key aspects of a tropical cyclone
- maximum sustained wind speed
- track (the path the hurricane will follow)
- storm radius
- forward speed
- rate of decay of the wind field (as a function of the distance from the centre)
- central pressure (the lower the central pressure, the faster the winds spiral around the eye of the storm)
8 factors affecting the accuracy of tropical cyclone models for a particular territory
- the frequency of tropical cyclones of different magnitudes
- the quality of historical peril data
- the quality and availability of current and historical exposure and claim data
- the length of time over which data are available
- the existence of, and level of adherence to, uniform building standards
- changes in demographics
- the level of investment by the model vendor
- the model iteration
9 types of insurance coverage that can be modelled for tropical cyclone
- damage to buildings
- damage to contents
- loss of use or business interruption costs arising directly from damage to the buildings / contents at a location
- “static” inland marine risks (computers, valuable property, documents, jewels)
- watercraft such as yachts
- coastal fishing fleets
- auto / motor physical damage
- offshore energy rigs / platforms
- livestock
Storm surge
The rise in the level of coastal water above the usual tide level as the tropical cyclone moves over the water.
The effect of the storm surge on water levels can be five metres or more, giving rise to significant potential for flooding.
Demand surge
Phrase used to describe the temporary increase in the cost of materials, labour and temporary accommodation following a catastrophe.
Extra-tropical cyclones (ETCs)
Cyclonic storms that tend to occur outside the tropical regions.
An ETC has an area of low pressure at its centre.
Another key difference from tropical cyclones is that ETCs are frontal storms, forming the boundary between warm and cold air masses.
This is the type of windstorm most commonly seen in the UK and Europe.
Beaufort wind scale
- 9: Strong Gale: 47-54 mph
- 10: Whole Gale: 55-63 mph
- 11: Violent Storm: 63-72 mph
- 12: Hurricane: 73+ mph
Violently rotating column of air, in contact with the ground, either pendent from or underneath a cumuliform cloud and often visible as a funnel cloud.
It is typically a few hundred yards in diameter.
Cumuliform cloud
Type of cloud showing vertical development in the form of rising mounds, domes, or towers.
Usually cumuliform clouds are separate and distinct from each other and rarely cover the entire sky.
Funnel cloud
Funnel-shaped cloud of condensed water droplets, associated with a rotating column of wind and extending from the base of a cloud but not reaching the ground or a water surface.
If a funnel cloud touches the ground, it becomes a tornado.
9 Factors that affect the accuracy of tornado models
- the change in the scale used to measure tornado damage in 2007, with no retrospective reclassification of historical events
- the introduction of Doppler radar monitoring during the 90s, significantly increasing the ability to identify tornadoes
- the subjective element of assessment in the EF scale
- the treatment of multiple tornadoes spawned by the same storm system
- the much shorter duration and much smaller affected area compared to perils such as tropical cyclone
- the existence of, and level of adherence to, uniform building standards
- changes in demographics
- the level of investment by the model vendor
- the model iteration
An earthquake occurs when there is a sudden slip along a fault due to the build-up of stress.
The accumulated energy is released during this process as seismic “waves”, causing the shaking felt at the earth’s surface.
Fault rupture
A break in the ground along the fault line during an earthquake.
- Fault rupture can cause permanent ground deformations
- Landslides can cause further destruction of buildings and direct loss of life
- Liquefaction can result in buildings sinking or tipping over.
- Fires following earthquakes can cause further destruction of buildings and direct loss of life
- Tsunamis can cause huge destruction of buildings and direct loss of life
- Sprinkler leakages can cause extensive damage to the contents within a building and to the building itself.
The process by which saturated, unconsolidated sediments are transformed into a substance that acts like a liquid.
The extent of damage from shaking (earthquake) depends on (3)
the amplitude, duration and frequency content of the ground motions.
2 Main categories of earthquakes
- Crustal
- Subduction
Crustal earthquakes
occur in the shallow earth’s crust arising from specific faults or background sources.
Subduction earthquakes
arise at the interface between two colliding crustal plates or from intraslab sources where one crustal plate has been pushed below the other.
Magnitude scales (earthquakes)
Assess the total energy of an earthquake.
Moment Magnitude (Mw) is the most commonly used scale.
Microseismic intensity scales
Assess the shaking effects of an earthquake at different locations.
Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale
Developed in 1931 and is composed of 12 increasing levels of intensity that range from imperceptible shaking to catastrophic destruction.
It does not have a mathematical basis. Instead it is an arbitrary ranking based on observed effects.
7 factors affecting the accuracy of earthquake models for a particular territory
- the quality and availability of historical event records and paleoseismic studies
- the quality and availability of current and historical exposure and claim data
- the quality and granularity of information of soil types in each area
- the existence of, and level of adherence to, uniform building standards
- changes in demographics
- the level of investment by the model vendor
- the model iteration
8 Types of insurance coverage that can be modelled for earthquake and its allied perils
- damage to buildings
- damage to contents
- loss of use or business interruption costs arising directly from damage to the buildings or contents at that same location
- “static” inland risks (computers, valuable property, documents and jewels)
- workers’ compensation
- group life
- auto / motor physical damage
For each of the earthquakes within the catastrophe model event set, the model will include a number of parameters, such as (3)
- moment magnitude (measuring the energy release)
- focal depth (shallow fault ruptures are more damaging for a given value of moment magnitude)
- total area of fault rupture and fault type
3 ways in which earthquake event frequency may be modelled
- using a statistical distribution (Poisson)
- using a Time Dependent (“predictable”) model, which considers fault slip rate and the time since the last event in estimating the probability of future events
- using a Stress Transfer (“migration”) model, where the occurrence of an earthquake on one fault has an impact on the occurrence of an earthquake on a nearby fault.
Terrorism models
Differ from models for natural perils.
May offer separate deterministic and probabilistic modules.
The deterministic module may enable the insurer to assess its portfolio’s maximum expected loss from each of a number of different types of terrorist attacks.
The stochastic module includes a statistical model of the annual frequency for each of the types of attack considered within the model.
Given the very volatile nature of the probability of attack, insurers and reinsurers typically rely more upon the results of the deterministic module.
4 examples of terrorist attacks
- explosive devices carried by an individual (small scale)
- vehicle bombs
- civilian aircraft hijacking and crashing into targets (large scale)
- weapons of mass destruction (extreme scale)
Use of catastrophe models in aggregate modelling
One of the most common uses of catastrophe models is to monitor the aggregate insured loss.
Companies use catastrophe models to assess for a given peril and given portfolio their estimated loss from that peril at different return periods.
Companies will then set acceptable limits for these losses according to their risk tolerance.
Use of catastrophe models in pricing
Actuaries in reinsurance companies and brokers use catastrophe models when structuring and pricing catastrophe or event excess of loss reinsurance.
They also increasingly use catastrophe models in assessing the catastrophe components of other risks; both reinsurance and primary insurance.
The premium loading for catastrophe risk in an insurance contract can be open to considerable manipulation. This is because there is so much uncertainty within the loading calculation that it would be easy to justify a whole range of possible outcomes.
Pricing actuaries currently use catastrophe models in a variety of different ways, including (4)
- developing appropriate allowances for catastrophe risk in exposure rating
- helping develop risk-specific pricing for catastrophe risk based on the underlying exposures
- developing premium loading factors for a given portfolio to cover the expected cost of catastrophe claims
- helping to develop appropriate capital allocations to enable pricing to be set at a level that produces an appropriate return on capital that reflects the inherent catastrophe risk of the portfolio being written
Use of catastrophe models in reinsurance purchase
Just as reinsurers use catastrophe models to price inwards reinsurance, cedants will use catastrophe models to assess the appropriate structure and value of their outwards programme.
The assessment will include the level of vertical cover required to protect against a single severe event and the number of reinstatements (horizontal cover) required for each layer to protect adequately against multiple events.
The cedant then uses the models to compare technical prices of outwards treaties and the effectiveness in risk mitigation of a range of programme alternatives.
Use of catastrophe models in assessment of claims
Many companies use catastrophe models to make an initial assessment of the impact of major catastrophe events, by running events from the event module that most closely resemble the actual catastrophe.
In practice, a catastrophe model helps them to assess reliably the exposure to an actual event on a detailed contract-by-contract basis. The models help to identify the key contracts and exposures likely to be affected by the catastrophe and therefore to direct the effort of claims assessors.
4 causes of demand surge
- shortage of building materials, due, for example, to damage to timber yards rendering available materials unusable
- increase demand for building materials to replace/repair damaged properties
- shortage of skilled labour, due, for example to people evacuating the area
- increased demand for skilled labour to repair/rebuild properties.
How might the issue of unmodelled events be mitigated? (catastrophe models) (2)
- gross up the modelled losses (perhaps based on past observed experience)
- work with the industry losses and net them down for our share, using an aggregate catastrophe model
List some dangers of underestimating catastrophe risk
- purchasing insufficient non-proportional catastrophe reinsurance
- insufficient catastrophe premium loading on policies
- higher regulatory solvency coverage requirement
- incorrect view on the potential risk the business is exposed to
- holding insufficient economic capital which could result in insolvency