Chapter 11 and 12 vocabulary Flashcards
Calvin Coolidge
13th President. 1923-1929, promoted big business and opposed social aid.
Dorthea Lange
Photographed migrant farm workers during the Great Depression inspired governent aide programs and Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath
Eleanor Roosevelt
First Lady 1933-1945, tireless worker for social causes, including women’s rights and civil rights for African Americans and other groups.
Nicola Sacco
Immigrant and anarchist executed, in a highly controversial case, for a 1920 murder in a Massachusetts factory.
Herbert Hoover
31st President, 1929-1933, worked to aid Europeans during World War I; responded ineffectively to 1929 stock market crash and Great Depression.
John M. Keynes
British economist who believed that government spending could help a faltering economy, his theories helped shape New Deal Legislation.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd President, 1933-1945, fought the Great Depression through his New Deal social programs; battled congress over Supreme Court control; proved a strong leader during WWII.
Marcus Garvey
African Americanleader from 1919-1926 who urged African Americans to return to their motherland of Africa, provided early instpiration for “black pride” movements.
Jazz Age
Term used to describe the 1920’s
assembly line
Manufacturing process in which each worker does one specialized task in the construction of the final product.
Making high-risk investments in hopes of getting a high gain.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Measure of average stock prices of major industries.
Harlem Renaissance
African American literary awakening of the 1920’s, centered in Harlem
Teapot Dome Scandal
Scandal of the Harding administration involving the granting of oil drilling rights on government land in return for money.
Welfare Capitalism
An approach to labor relations in which companies met some of their workers needs without prompting by unions.
Gross National Product
Total annual value of goods and services that a country produces.
A government policy of not interfering in private business.
buying on margin
Practice by whick investors purchase a stock for only a fraction of its price, borrowing the rest.
Hawley- Smoot Tariff
An especially high import tariff passed by Congress in 1930
Red Scare
A period of intese fear of communism and other extreme ideas.
Mass Media
Print and broadcast methods of communicating information to large numbers of people
A legal ban on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.
Installment Plan
A system that lets customers make partial payments (installments) at set intervals over a period of time.
Great Depression
Severe economic decline that lasted from 1929-1939.
Great Crash
Collapse of the American Stock Market in 1929.
Amelia Earhart
First woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone. She attempted to fly around the world but disappeared somewhere in the Pacific never to be found in 1937.
Louis Armstrong
First man to walk on the moon.
Babe Ruth
World record baseball player hit 714 home runs.
Father Divine
African American minister his Harlem soup kitchens fed the hungry during the Great Derpression.
Automobile Industry
Henry Ford made transportation affordable for the average american because the creation of the assembly line made it cheaper to create the model T. This made it easier for people to get around and go to sporting events and other leisure activities.