Chapter 11 Flashcards
Need to Belong
a motivation to bond with others in relationships that provide ongoing, positive interactions
Mere-Exposure Effect
tendency for novel stimuli to be liked more or rated more positively after the rater has been repeatedly exposed to them
Matching Phenomenon
tendency for men and women to choose partners who are a “good match” in attractiveness and other traits
Physical Attractiveness Stereotype
the assumption that attractive people possess other socially desirable traits
tendency for each to complete what is missing for the other partner in a relationship
Reward Theory of Attraction
the theory that we like those whose behavior is rewarding to us or whom we associate with rewarding events
Passionate Love
state of intense longing for union with another
Companionate Love
the affection we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply intertwined
Two-Face Theory of Emotion
physiological arousal + its cognitive label=emotion
Secure Attachment
attachments rooted in trust and marked by intimacy
Insecure Attachment
attachments marked by anxiety or ambivalence
a condition in which the outcomes people receive from a relationship are proportional to what they contribute to it
revealing intimate aspects of oneself to other
Disclosure Reciprocity
tendency for one person’s intimacy of self-disclosure to match that of a conversational partner
Anxious/Ambivalent Attachment
more jealous, shorter relationships, fear of abandonment
Avoidant Attachment
defensive attachment from others, more negative emotions during social interactions
Contrast Effect
self ratings of self esteem were higher when there were no photos of models on the wall
Predictors of Attraction
proximity, familiarity reciprocal liking, similarity, physical attractiveness