Chapter 11 Flashcards
Rendering someone as unable to act or move about, either through incarceration or by court order
Actions that are designed to prevent crimes from occurring
Capital punishment
A sentence of death or carrying out same via execution of the offender
Victim impact statements
Information provided prior to sentencing by the victims of a crime about the impact the crime had on their lives; allowed by the u.s Supreme Court
Sentencing guidelines
An instruments developed by the federal government that uses a grid system to chart the seriousness of offense, criminal history, and so fourth and thus allow the court to arrive at a more consistent sentences for everyone
Intermediate sentencing
a scheme whereby one is sentenced for a flexible time period so as to be released when rehabilitated or the opportunity for rehabilitation is presented
General deterrance
Punish individual in order to control other behavior
Specific deterence
Punish individual in on order to control that persons future behavior
Determinate sentencing
Specific fixed-period sentence ordered by a court
Concept of jury nolification
When a jury returns a not guilty verdict despite the belief when prosecution has proven their case
- jury doesn’t agree with law
- judge/prosecutor cannot do anything
Consecutive and concurrent sentencing
- Consecutive - sentences stack (10+5=15)
- concurrent - sentences served all at once (Serve longest sentence and then your out)
- judge decides which sentencing method to use
State level sentencing guidelines
Grid system to chart the seriousness of offense, criminal history, etc alowwing courts to arrive at a more consistent sentance for everyone
Reformatory model
Humanitarian concerns inmate change and intermediate sentencing emphasized
Penitentiary model
Industrial revolution led to concept of isolation
- walnut street jail (1790)
- auburn prison (1819)
Colonial model
Laws transferred from England with rigorous punishment
Crime control model
Concerned with rapidly rising crime rates
- determinate sentencing laws/mandatory sentencing laws
Community model
Prisons were seen as artificial institutions that interfered with offenders ability with crime free lifestyle
Medical model
All criminals are mentally ill, shifted to treatment places
Progressive model
Treatment focused on individual and his/her specific problems
Methods of executions
- ) lethal injections
- ) electrocution
- ) gas
- ) hanging
- ) firing squad
Roper vs. Simmons 2005
Holding that the 8th and 14th amendment Fitbit execution of offenders under age 18
Placing a hold on capital punishment while reviews of process were bring conducted
Sentencing reform act
- ) dropping rehabilitation as one of the goals of punishment
- ) creating the u.s. Sentencing commission
- ) making all federal sentencing determinate
- ) authorizing appellate review of sentences
Firman vs. Georgia
Struck down the death penalty under the cruel and unusual punishment clause of 8th amendment; ruled unconstitutional