Chapter 11 Flashcards
A statistical procedure that identifies factors, or clusters of related items, that seem to define a common ability
Factor analysis
Most experts define this as the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
According to spearman and others, is a general factor that underlies each of the more specific mental abilities identified through factor analysis
General intelligence
The ability to perceive manage, understand and use emotions
Emotional intelligence
Most experts agree that this refers to an ability to produce novel and valuable ideas
Measure peoples mental aptitudes and compare them to others through numerical scores
Intelligence tests
A concept introduced by Binet, this is a chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of performance
Mental age
Lewis Termans widely use revision of Binet’s original intelligence test
Was defined originally as the ratio of mental age to chronological age multiplied by 100.
Intelligence quotient
Designed to predict figure performance.
Measure a persons current knowledge
Achievements tests
Is the most widely used intelligent test. Individually administered.
Wechsler adult intelligence scale
Is the process do defining meaningful scores by comparison with a pretreated standardization group
Is a bell shaped curve that represents the distribution of many physical and psychological attributes
Normal curve
Is the extent to which a test produces consistent results
Is the degree to which a fear measures or predicts what it is supposed to.
Part of a test that is the extent to which it samples the behavior that is of interest
Content validity
Is the behavior the test is designed to predict.
Is the extent to which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict
Predictive validity
The two criteria that designate this are an IQ below 70 and difficulty adapting to the normal demands of independent living
Mental retardation
A common cause Of severe retardation and associated physical disorders. This is usually the result of an extras chromosome in the persons genetic makeup
Down syndrome
Is the phenomenon in which a lessons concern that he or she will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype is actually followed by lower performance
Stereotype threat