Chapter 11 Flashcards
The tonal, thematic, and rhythmic relationships among musical units
a short, recurring musical figure, characteristic rhythmic/pitch pattern
Identifiable throughout composition or musical selection
Rhythmic Motive
a rhythmic figure that has a structural role in a piece/passage due form repetition
motion that takes us from a certain tonal point to another tonal point
usually ends wit a cadence of some sort
Phase Segments/ Subphrases
divisions of a phrase
opens with a melodic segment, immediately restated transposed/untransposed
the end of one phrase overlapping with the beginning of a new phrase
Antecedent - Consequent
a group of 2 or more phrases that form a period, type of musical “question-answer”
first phrase ends on HC (antecedent)
second phrase ends on a PAC (consequent)
a group of 2 or more phrases that ends on a conclusive cadence
PAC - normally
IAC - occasionally
Parallel Period
2 phrases that begin with the same/similar material
Form Diagrams: Line/Bubble diagrams
summarize visually the form and formal relationships of composition/section
Form Diagrams: Line
sections of a composition and length
Form Diagrams: Bubbles/Slurs
hierarchical, indicate with lower case letters and bubbles
Contrasting Period
the 2 phrases aren’t based on the same thematic material
Symmetrical Period
both phrases have the same length
Asymmetrical Period
phrases are not of equal length
Three-Phrase Period
final cadence is conclusive and the previous 2 are not
Three phrases constitute a period
Double Period
a four-phrase period with phrases grouped in pairs
1st: ends on weak cadence
2nd: ends on PAC
the process of moving from one key to another
Modulation Period
Period begins in 1 key, modulate to a different key and end on a PAC in the new key
Phrase Group
a group of 2+ phrases that does not end on a PAC or IAC is not a period