Chapter 11 Flashcards
Nerve irritability and painful muscle cramps resulting from hypocalcemia.
Hypoparathyroidism is one cause
Enlargement of the thyroid gland
Set of symptoms caused by excessive levels of cortisol due to high doses of corticosteroid drugs and adrenal tumors Symptoms include: Weakness Edema Excess hair growth Skin discoloration Osteoporosis
Cushing’s syndrome
Condition of having a low level of sodium in the blood
Condition of having low levels of sugar in the blood
The condition of having a high level of potassium in the blood
Condition of having a high level of calcium in the blood
Associated with hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone
Condition in which the eyeballs protrude
Such as Graves’ disease
Caused by over production of thyroid hormone
Condition in which the body tissues contain excessive amounts of fluid
Mineral required by thyroid to produce its hormones
Hormone secreted by posterior pituitary
Promotes water reabsorption by kidney tubules
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Hormone produced by adrenal medulla Aka adrenaline Increased heart rate and force of contraction Bronchodilation Relaxation of intestinal muscles
Pair of glands in the endocrine system located just above each kidney
Adrenal glands
Organ of the digestive system that produces digestive enzymes
Also a gland of the endocrine system that produces two hormones :
insulin and glucagon
Lymph node
Small organ composed of lymphatic tissue located along route of lymphatic vessels
Removes impurities lymph and manufacture lymphocytes and antibodies
Lymph glands
produces cortisol that regulates carbohydrate levels in the blood
aldosterone that regulates electrolytes and fluid volume in body
androgen responsible for reproduction and secondary sexual characteristics
outer adrenal cortex
epinephrine/adrenaline fight or flight response
norepinephrine vasoconstrictor
inner adrenal medulla
will reduce blood sugar levels
will increase blood sugar levels
produces melatonin
pineal gland
regulates calcium in the blood
parathyroid gland
master gland
pituitary gland
produces T cells
thymus gland
regulates production of energy and heat in the body to adjust the metabolic rate
uses iodine
thyroid gland
disorder caused by inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
diabetes insipidus
overproduction of growth hormone
congenital condition in which a lack of thyroid hormones my arrest physical and mental development
thyroid stimulating hormone
produces antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin
pituitary posterior lobe