CHAPTER 11 Flashcards
The quality of a service firm’s staff especially those working in ______
plays a crucial role in determining market success and financial performance.
customer-facing positions
are a key input for delivering service excellence and competitive
frontline employees
importance of service employees and frontline work
is a core part of your product
is the service firm
is the brand
affects sales
is a key driver of customer loyalty
determine productivity
That’s why the People element of the _ is so important.
They are expected to be fast and efficient in executing operational tasks and
be courteous and helpful when dealing with customers.
frontline employees
sources of role conflicts
organization/client conflict
personal/role conflict
interclient conflict
was first used by Arlie
Hochschild in her book The Managed Heart.
emotional labor
who first use the term emotional labor and where book it came from?
arlie hochschild; the managed heart
arises when a discrepancy exists
between how frontline staff feel inside and the
emotions the management requires them to show in
front of customers.
emotional labor
*Frontline staff are expected to have a cheerful
disposition and be genial, compassionate, sincere, or
even self-effacing — emotions that can be conveyed
through _________
facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, and choice of words.
3 employment cycles
the cycle of failure
the cycle of mediocrity
the cycle of success
begins with heavy organizational emphasis on attracting new customers, who become dissatisfied with employee performance and the lack of continuity implicit in continually changing faces due to high staff turnover.
customer Cycle of Failure
The departure of _______ is especially
worrying in the light of what we know about the greater profitability of a loyal customer base.
discontented customers
under the cycle of failure, three key cost are often omitted
- The cost of constant recruiting, hiring, and training (which is as much a time cost for managers as it is a financial cost)
- The lower productivity of inexperienced new workers
- The costs of constantly attracting new customers (which requires extensive advertising and promotional discounts).
often typified by state monopolies, industrial cartels, or regulated oligopolies – where there is little incentive to improve performance and where fear of entrenched unions may discourage management from adopting more innovative labor
the cycle of mediocrity
are largely based on how
long the person has been working in the organization.
salary increases and promotions
is often measured by the
absence of mistakes, rather than by high productivity or
outstanding customer service
successful performance in a job
Since employees are given very little freedom to do their work
in the way they think is necessary or suitable, jobs tend to be
boring and repetitive.
Better pay and benefits attract good quality staff.
the cycle of success
are accompanied by training
and empowerment practices that allow frontline staff
to control quality.
broadend job designs
_____means that regular customers
appreciate the continuity in service relationships and
are more likely to remain loyal.
Lower turnover
the wheel of successful hr in service firms
- hire the right people
- enable your people
- motivate and enmergize your people
is a guiding framework for
successful HR practices in service firms
Service Talent Cycle
the old saying by jim collins
the old saying ‘people are your most important asset’ is wrong. ‘the right people are your most important asset.’
are both necessary but neither alone is sufficient for optimal job
interpersonal and technical skills
include visual communication skills such as attentive listening, understanding body
language and even facial expressions, and reading customers’ needs.
interpersonal skills
include all the required knowledge related to processes (e.g., how to handle a
merchandized return), mach ines (e.g., how to operate the cash machine), and rules and regulations
related to customer service processes.
technical skills
staff’s product and service knowledge are the key aspects of service
quality. They must be able to explain product features effectively and position the product correctly
product/service knowledge
_____has to result in observable changes in behavior. If staff do not apply what they have learnt, the investment is ____
training; wasted
________ is not only
about becoming smarter, but about changing behaviors and improving decision-making.
means giving employees greater
discretion (and training in how to use their judgment), which enables them to provide superior service on the
spot rather than waiting for permission from supervisors.
Empowerment is based on the ______, which assumes that employees can make good decisions, and produce good ideas for operating the business if they are properly socialized, trained, and informed.
involvement (or commitment) model
is the part of the organization’s culture that can be felt
and seen.
organization climate
levels of employee involvement
job involvement, high involvement
represents the shared perceptions of employees about the practices, procedures, and types of behaviors that get supported and rewarded in a particular setting.
Excitement about the business will encourage individuals to teach
the business to others and to pass on to them the art and secrets of operating it.
love for business
seen as a keyfondation of success
service quality