Chapter 11 Flashcards
Categorising humans
Homeo sapiens.
Humans belong to the family Hominidae + genus homo.
We are also mammals.
Categorisation/classification to place species into similar categories - Arranged in hierarchical rank.
Warm-blooded vertebrates belonging to the taxonomic class Mammalia.
eg. Dogs, Cats, Sheep, Pigs, Whales, Bears.
Key characteristics of mammals.
- Variety of teeth.
- 3 bones in the middle ear; aid hearing.
- 1 single lower jawbone.
- Various amounts of fur on bodies in a lifetime.
- Mammary gland; produces milk for offspring.
The highest order of mammals; 400 different species share features including opposable digits and binocular vision.
eg. Organutans, Lemurs, Gorillas, Baboons.
Primates key characteristics
- 3D colour vision + forward-facing binocular eyes.
- Large cranium relative to body weight.
- Flexible spine + large rotation.
- Prehensile hands.
- Sensitive touch receptors in fingerprints.
Members of the superfamily Hominoide.
eg. Great apes; orangutangs, chimpanzees, gorillas + humans.
Hominoids key characteristics
- Y5-shaped molar teeth,
- Broad ribcage.
- Large cranium.
- Long arms.
- No tail.
Members of the taxonomic tribe Hominini.
eg. Modern humans + upright-walking ancestors.
Hominins key characteristics
- Bipedalism; using 2 legs for walking upright.
- Structural consequences from bipedalism; eg. broader rib cage, S-shaped spine.
- Communication + formation of complex social groups.
Hominin Evolution.
- Brain sizes increased; higher cognitive processes; planning, speech + abstract teaching. Evidence was found in the increased cranial capacity in fossil skulls.
- Shorter arms; increased reliance on bipedal locomotion.
- Longer legs; make walking upright more efficient.
- Changes to pelvis size; Shorter + more bow-shaped to support upper body. Also the demand for childbirth; more circular birth canal + narrowing pelvis.
Structural differences between us and our early ancestors.
- More centralised foramen magnum.
- Shrinking of sagittal crest.
- Lessening of brow ridge.
- Flattening of face.
- Less protruding chin.
- More domed skull.
- Smaller teeth.
Difficulties interpreting the evolutionary history
The fossil record is far from complete.
- Not all individuals die in conditions that promote fossilisation.
- Rock layers disappear.
- Rock layers are inaccessible; not all fossils are found.
Did we interbreed with neanderthals?
- Early humans interbred with neanderthals.
mtDNA suggests separate species that share a common ancestor
Neanderthal characteristics
- Wider nose.
- Shorter limbs.
- Stockier build.
- Flared rib cage.
- Sloping forehead.
- Enlarged brow ridge.
- Larger cranial capacity.
- Better resistance to cold climates.