Chapter 11 Flashcards
defined by the American Marketing Association as “any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor”
The movement from work done by hand using muscle or water power in small shops to mass production of goods in factories that used energy sources such as stream power or electricity - part of modernization process
the process of change from a society in which people’s identities and roles are fixed at birth to a society where people can decide who they want to be, where they want to live, what they want to do, and how they want to present themselves to the world
Economy of abundance
an economy in which there are as many or more goods available as there are people who want to or have the means to buy them
Brand name
a word or phrase attached to prepackaged consumer goods so that they can be better promoted to the general public through advertising and so that consumers can distinguish a given product from the competition
Local Advertising
advertising designed to get people to patronize local stores, businesses, or service providers
Direct Action Message
an advertising message designed to get consumers to go to a particular place to do something specific, such as purchasing a product, obtaining a service, or engaging in behavior
National advertising
advertising designed to build demand for a nationally available product or service and that is not directing the consumer to local retail or service outlets
Indirect Action Message
an advertising message designed to build the image of and demand for a product, without specifically urging that a particular action be taken at a particular time and place
Advocacy ads
advertising designed to promote a particular product point of view rather than a product or service. can be sponsored by a government, corporation, trade association, or nonprofit organization
Public Service Ads
advertising designed to promote the messages of nonprofit institutions and government agencies. The messages are typically produced and run without charge by advertising professionals and the media. Many of these ads are produced by the Ad Council
Business-to-business (trade) ads
advertising that promotes products and services directly to other businesses rather than to the general consumer market
Open Contract
an arrangement that allows advertising agencies to set space in any publication (and eventually on broadcast outlets as well) rather than just a limited few
The Big Idea
the goal of every advertising campaign – an advertising concept that will grab people’s attention and make them take notice, remember, and take the action
Brand Image
the image attached to a brand and the associated product that gives the product a personality or identity that makes it stand out from similar products and stick in the mind of the consumer
Media Planning
the process central to a successful ad campaign of figuring out which media to use, buying the media at the best rates, and then evaluating how effective the purchase was
Cost per thousand exposures to the target audience – a figure used in media planning evaluation
Zoned Coverage
when a newspaper targets news coverage or advertisements to a specific region of a city or market
Drive Time
the morning and afternoon commutes in urban areas; the captive audience makes this a popular time to advertise on radio
the process of trying to make a particular product or service appeal to a narrowly defined group. Groups are often targeted using demographics, geographics, and psychographics
the large number of commercials, advertising, and other nonprogramming messages and interruptions that compete for consumer attention on radio, television, and now the Internet
Subliminal Advertising
messages that are allegedly embedded so deeply in an ad that they cannot be perceived consciously. There is no evidence that subliminal advertising is effective
Integrated Marketing Communication
an overall communication strategy for reaching key audiences using advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and interactive media
Product Integration
the paid integration of a product or service into the central theme of media content. this is most common in TV programming or movies, but it can be found in books, magazine articles, web pages, or even songs