Chapter 11 Flashcards
Social Learning Theory
theory that emphasizes learning through observation of others
social cognitive theory
theory that adds concern with cognitive factors such as beliefs, self-perceptions, and expectations to social learning theory
triarchic reciprocal theory
an explanation of behavior that emphasizes the mutual effects of the individual and then environment on each other
a person’s sense of being able to deal effectively with a particular task
human agency
the capacity to coordinate learning skills, motivation, and emotions to reach your goals
mastery experiences
our own direct experiences
the most powerful source of efficacy information
physical and psychological reactions causing a person to feel alert, excited, or tense
vicarious experiences
accomplishments that are modeled by someone else
changes in behavior, thinking, or emotions that happen through observing another person or model
social persuasion
a “pep talk” or specific performance feedback
a single source of self-efficacy
ripple effect
“contagious” spreading of behaviors through imitation
teachers’ sense of efficacy
a teacher’s belief that he/she can reach even the most difficult students and help them learn
process of activating and sustaining thoughts, behaviors, and emotions in order to reach goals
will power
work styles that protect opportunities to reach goals bu applying self-regulated learning
self-regulated learning
a view of learning as skills and will applied to analyzing learning tasks, setting goals and planning how to do the task, applying skills, and especially making adjustments about how learning is carried out