Chapter 1.1-1.2 Flashcards
What does psychology study?
Studies the behavior of people,the normal, the abnormal,the young, and the old.
What is psychology?
Psychology is the science of behavior.
What is the reason for psychology?
The simple desire to know about things.
What is behavior?
Behavior refers to almost everything anybody does. That is thought,feelings,and actions.
What is philosophy?
Philosophy is the cohnitive activity of speculating thought and analysis. ( asking questions and examining the possible question and answers by reflective thought) . Philosophy is not science, because philosophy is more encompassing.
What is Animism?
Was thought in ancient times that everything in reality was inhabited with unseen spirits.
- wundt and E.B. tichener
- emphasis on sensory experience to underatand the mind. Use introspection techniques.
•Basic elements( sensation and perception break down into smaller parts)
- says function of the mind is for survival and adaption to changing environment.
- emphasized function rather than structure of consciousness.
- watson & skinner
- emphasis on directly observable behavior and environmental conditions which influences behavior.
- the study of observable behavior.
- watson believed that introspection is unscientific because there is no way to settle disagreements between observers.
- rewards and punishment
•M. Wertheimer, w. kohler, K. Koffka
• emphasizes perceptual interpretation of sensory information. “ whole is greater than the sum of its parts” the human eye sees objects in their entirely before perceiving their individual parts.
• perceptions formed in the brain to make a meaningful pattern.
- the idea of processing and storing information and how it influences what we perceive , learn , and feel.
- emphasis on internal mental processes.
- freud
- Emphasis on unconscious motivations and childhood experiences which influence behavior.
- dream interpretations.
- childhood experiences.
• Maslov
•Emphasis on self- improvement and striving to become self- actualized .
( being the best you can be.)
One of the original explanations. Before science. Native americans culture, for example can determine a persona essence.
Philosophy about how knowledge is acquired.