chapter 11 Flashcards
Sir Frederic Bartlett
father of British psychology
sir Frederic Bartlett
argued for reconstructive nature of memory
sir Frederic Bartlett
wrote “Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology”
reconstructive nature of memory (sir Francis Bartlett)
introduced the concept of schema
reconstructive nature of memory
Believed memory was influenced by schemas, particularly when constructing/reconstructing memories
Donald Broadbent
developed filter model of attention
Donald broadent
researched impact of noise on work performance with British navy
who wrote perception and communication
Donald Broadbent
Donald Broadbent
described humans as an information processing system
Donald Broadbent
Believed humans were more complicated than simple input output model of behaviorism
Donald Broadbent
Challenged that environmental stimulus elicited an organism’s response
filter model (1980)
Description of attention as a bottleneck that limits the amount of information coming into the organism
dichotic listening task
A laboratory task in which the participant hears two different streams of speech through left and right headphones and is asked to only attend to one of them
anne treisman
Proposed the attenuation model and then the feature of integration theory of attention
attenuation model
Attention increases the intensity of wanted stimulus and decreases the intensity of the unwanted stimulus